Chapter One

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Rebekka Davis has no friends and she is very depressed. Everyday she says I'm fine but really, she is not.

She is dying from cancer. And she has no family other than her younger brother named Karter and her baby sister named Emmaline. Her mom and dad passed away in a boat on the Pacific Ocean in a box. They have no money to buy food, a house, or any basic life needs.

She has to fend for herself and try her hardest to stay happy. As she tried she realized how nothing made her happy anymore. That made it even worse. She couldn't go to school, due to having no money, so she had to learn everything the hard way.

But one day her life took a big turn. While she took her siblings to the public park, Rebekka met this boy named Sammy. He was short, had blonde hair (kind of shaggy), and was very cute (in her words). They started to talk, then he bought her food and got her a phone so they could talk more incase they didn't see each other for a while. They would text for hours upon hours, and more hours, then they started to facetime for hours and hours. The would make plans to see each other almost everyday. They were best friends, and finally Rebekka started to like him... a lot. And Sammy started to like her a lot.

He finally had the guts to ask her out, she was so happy! They were doing just fine. Then after a month of dating, he decided to be a butthole and dumped her.

Soon enough, however, Rebekka realized that she didn't need Sammy. She was able to be a strong and independent woman of her own. She found a great friend named Katie Richardson. Katie made Rebekka happy and Rebekka made Katie happy.

Rebekka soon drifted from her brother and sister but she was still there for them, just not as much. They couldn't take care of themselves and she knew that. With her new friend though she found herself paying less and less attention to them and soon enough one of them had died. Emmaline was gone now and Rebekka blamed herself for everything. She couldn't do much with Katie anymore because she was so caught up in what she had done. And if Emmaline had died that means that Karter isnt to far off from dying either because the baby needed attention and so Rebekka gave it the attention and along with giving the baby attention it took the attention away from Karter.

Everything was going terribly. Emmaline had just died and Karter was on the verge and so was Rebekka  herself. The cancer really stopped her from doing so many things with Karter anymore. Not to mention, Katie thought that it was all a lie just to hide the fact that Rebekka didn't want to hang out with her. Rebekka really was down at the moment. She didn't think any of this would get better she tried telling Katie that she wasn't faking it but Katie just wouldn't believe her. Rebekka tried to come up with proof but everything she thought of had vanished. None of it was there anymore. She wanted to show her Emmaline but when she thought of it, she didn't even know where Emmaline went, she just assumed she died because she hadnt seen her in awhile.

Rebekka went to go and tell Katie but when she got to her house she couldn't find her instead she found an older couple and said that they had just moved into the house and didn't know where Katie had moved to. Rebekka searched the whole town, she even tried to text and call her, but there was no answer. Called her friend's answer, called her answer. Everyone is leaving her, and soon, she will too. Sammy broke her heart, Emmaline disappeared, her friend is nowhere to be found, and Karter is on the verge of dying.

This all was happening so quickly that she just couldn't take it anymore! She needed help, lots of it. Where was she going to get it though? She can't just walk up to someone and ask for help! She knew what kind of danger that was and it could end absolutely terrible so she didn't even try. The person could have yelled at her or beaten her, yes that has happened. She learned everything the hard way, remember?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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