Forbidden Love. Rias Gremory x Male Angel Reader.

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So before this starts i just want to say that =someone has been stealing my stories from DeviantArt and posting them here on Wattpad. My friend RevDavid13 from DA found that this dick cheese had stolen and 'changed' my original story from DA and put it here. 

anyway now that thats out of they way... enjoy.

  Just a note. For those who don't know. I haven't watched the show this is off. Only read other people's stories about it so forgive me if I get a couple things wrong. 

Rias led her peerage through the park. The night sky was pitch black and they only had the silver glow of the moon to guide them... well apart from the floating balls of flame that Rias conjured up with her demon magic. "Remind me while we're out here instead of in our beds, or all of us in my bed" said the pervert that was Issei Hyoudou.
"Because Rias said she felt a great power disturbance here, probably a couple or maybe a dozen fallen angels" said the peerages queen Akeno. The words had no sooner left her mouth when there was a great blue light in the sky, two figures with great white wings floated down and landed not far away from the group.
"Come on. It must be important if angels are here" urged Rias as she broke into a sprint after the two angels. Her peerage followed her through the trees, soon however after jumping over a fallen tree Rias held up her fist prompting everyone to stop. What they saw was a small shack made of wood and clay, the two figures from before stood at the entrance where a large steel cross hung dangerously by a thin cable. Upon closer inspection Rias determined that they were indeed angels, as apparent by their huge white and gold wings, the older and taller of the two was female and carried a large gold sword in her hand. The other was a male and looked to be around the age of 19, but age can be hard to identify with immortal beings. The male angel carried a huge buster sword on his back; faces of agony were forged into the middle of the blade that glowed red dangerously.

"Fallen Angels, come out of hiding now and face the justice of the White City, otherwise you will die here and now" shouted the female her wings spreading to show the Gremory house her shining gilded armor. The door of the church creaked open and from it walked out a woman whose face was obscured from view because of the hood she wore but there was no mistaking the smirk on her face, two other fallen angels flanked her, their black wings folded to allow for easy movement.
"Uriel, it's been a long time, here to kill me at last?" asked the female fallen angel
"Dina, come to the White City, I swear you will get a fair trial" promised Uriel
"Or... you could leave and no blood be spilled"
"If any blood is to be spilled, it would be yours blasphemer!" said the male angel, everyone finally took real notice of him, but it seemed that only Rias and Akeno noticed the power in his voice.
"Is this your son Uriel? I must say, whomever the father is he was a good pick, your son looks scrumptious," said Dina
"I would not dare stoop to your level," he said again
"(Y/n) calm yourself, we are here for one reason, and that reason alone" said Uriel "I ask you once more Dina, come with us"
"Sorry sister but I must decline," replied Dina
"You are not my sister" was all Uriel said before twin gunshots rung out through the park and Dina's companions fell to their knees, gaping holes in their chests. Dina saw this but smiled, she raised her arms and disappeared under a wave of fallen angels.

Dozens of the fallen flew into the sky, Uriel and (Y/n) glared at Dina as she flew away. "Shall I go after her mother?" asked (Y/n) as he pointed his revolver at the retreating girl but Uriel shook her head
"Nay, we must fight these fools first, Dina planned this" she explained, (Y/n) nodded and gripped the hilt of his sword with one hand and pulled it free of his back sheath and the blade crashed into the ground under the force of gravity creating a small ditch.
"Very well, shall we contest?" he asked as the fallen angels started summoning weapons out of light.
"If you wish my child" smirked Uriel before with one flap of her gilded wings she took to the air slicing three dark angels in the process. (Y/n) smirked back at his mother before he flapped his wings as well as dozens of dark winged angels flew towards him. He raised his giant buster sword and swung it with one hand slicing the heads of the first three, Rias and the others watched on in wonder as the young looking angel spun in the air killing more with the edges of his armored wings before driving his blade through the next one's head then ripping it out making blood spurt out like a fountain. Asia looked on afraid of the two angels; the shy girl was powerful in healing not in fighting like Rias or Koneko. Rias, Akeno, Koneko and the others par Asia looked on in astonishment as the two angels expertly and with deadly precision relentlessly murdered the fallen angels. Finally after you sliced the last of the fallen in half you and your mother floated to the ground, you smiled at her as your feet touched solid round.
"I counted 23" you smirked
"What have I been teaching you to be that slow? I got 36" boasted Uriel playfully making you pout angrily.
"When will I be as good as you mother?" you questioned disappointed with yourself, you felt her place a hand on your shoulder and you looked up at her to see her smiling face.
"Someday you will be greater than any demon or angel, you will be on par with your father and his brothers and sister," she said which made you smile.
"I love you mum" you say, she kisses the top of your head
"I love you too my little angel" she says. However before Rias could step out and introduced her peerage a small ball of light appeared between the two angels.

Your mother had just finished saying that she loved you when a ball of light appeared next to her; you frowned as you realized this was God.
"Uriel, what happened down on Earth, are the fallen destroyed?" he asked his voice radiating power
"Mostly my lord, all but Dina were swiftly cut down by myself and (Y/n), Dina used the mass of Fallen in order for her escape to succeed" explained Uriel
"This is not good, while I commend you and your son for dealing with the others Dina is very powerful... Uriel I need you in the White City with Abaddon. (Y/n) will have to stay on Earth to find Dina," said God and your eyes expanded in shock.
"My Lord, are you sure?" you asked
"I believe you are ready young one... say your goodbyes then you must hunt... I expect much from you" and with that God disappeared in a shower of light. Uriel looked at you with pride, her smile was more warming than the summer sun "My child, you have grown up so much, and now the Lord thinks you are ready, nothing in my life has made me feel more proud" she said as a few tears threatened to fall from her eyes, she shook her head and they disappeared. "Good bye for now my son, I will see you again in the White City" she said kissing your head
"I love you mum," you say whole-heartedly
"And I love you, be safe and remember that you are not only my son, but your fathers" she said and with that she flew up into the sky and disappeared in a crack of lightning.

When your mother finally disappeared from view Rias decided to make her presence known. She stepped out from the woods her feet crunching the twigs on the ground. In an instant you unsheathed your sword again and pointed it towards the crimson haired girl with one hand, which was not an easy feat considering the size of the weapon.
"Who are you?" you questioned, more girls appeared from the woods and your eyes changed from their normal (e/c) colour to shining blue as the arc symbol on your forehead glowed orange against your tanned skin.
"My name is Rias Gremory, me and my peerage came to deal with those fallen angels when we saw you and your mother appeared" she said and you growled
"You will use her name devil or I will cut your tongue from your mouth," you threatened, one of the boys Rias had brought stepped forward as a gauntlet appeared on his hand, although it was nowhere the size of yours. While his gauntlet was small and red, yours was gigantic, a monstrous gauntlet with a depiction of a glowing skull on the back of the hand. He walked up to you in what he thought must have been a scary manor.
"How, DARE, you talk to Lady Rias like that!" he yelled as he tried to punch you, centuries of training allowed you to easily dodge the sloppy attack and opened the perfect opportunity for you to bring the upstart to his knees with one swift yet devastating punch to his knees, the punch also served to send the boy flying into the forest where you heard several cracks and snaps, both of branches and bones.

Rias sighed irritated as she looked in the direction Issei had flown before turning back to you. "I must apologize for my pawn's actions, and for disrespecting Uriel, no disrespect was meant I assure you, we come in a peaceful manner" she said and the others nodded, you thought about their offer of peace carefully, not trusting devils came naturally to you being an angel, yet you weren't fully an angel so you trusted them. You sheathed your sword again, which made a 'chinck' sound as the metal dragged against its scabbard.
"Very well, I accept your offer of peace... for now, my name is (Y/n) son of Uriel" you say holding out a hand, the non gauntlet covered one, Rias stares at it for a second before smiling. She grasps it firmly yet is surprised to find that your grip was extremely tight, when the exchange ended you glared at her.
"Why do you greet me in such a way, we are natural enemies are we not?" you questioned
"It is because I think we can help each other, that fallen angel... the one Uriel called Dina... she is far too dangerous, we need to exterminate her, and I feel as though you wont stop until you do, so why don't we co-operate with each other until her head rests on your blade" she offered, you nod wanting to get back to the White City as soon as possible
"I shouldn't as this is my first mission... yet it was a mission derived from God, he would want it done as soon as possible, as long as I am not corrupted and retain the balance"
"Very good well it's late, would you like to rest in our house for the night?" offered Rias
"WAIT WHAT!" came a shout, the pair of you turned to see Issei stepping out of the woods out of breath. "Rias you cant be serious?"
"Issei be silent, this is a delicate manner, it might be best if you take him to the manor Asia" said Rias, the blonde girl nodded and led Issei by the arm back the way they came.
"I do not know how long I will be on Earth for... and I do not have time to look for shelter so I will take you up on that offer... However I expect no... funny business," you say "For lack of a better term"
"None such business will take place my winged friend" said Rias
"I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND!" you growl quietly and seriously but Rias just smiled
"I don't know Rias, part of me only wants to have funny business with young (Y/n) here" said Akeno making you growl loudly which made her growl back before she gave a short bark of laughter. "Ohh big boy save some for the bedroom, I like 'em rough" you were taken back by this behavior.
"Lustful Demon, does not know how true love should be" you mutter, and Rias sends you a quick glance.
"Before any more damage occurs shall we go?" she asks and you nod.
"Lead the way Devil"

You awoke the next day feeling something heavy yet soft on your chest, your eyes opened slowly and met piercing blue ones. Still sleepy and not fully recognizing the situation you closed your eyes again to try and fall back to sleep, only to snap your eyes wide open when you heard girly giggling. You jumped off the bed breathing heavily at what had just happened, your gauntlet appeared on your hand and your eyes glowed dangerously.
"What are you doing in my bed demon?" you ask toxically
"Well, I don't know if you know it but Demons can heal others faster if the persons clothes are removed, you took a slice to the bicep there in your fight with the Fallen" explained Rias as she curled under the covers and laid her head on your pillows inhaling deeply. You looked down and silently thanked God that you at least still had your boxers on, glaring at the demon your eyes went wide when you realized that she had moved from under the covers and now stood before you in all her evil glory. You shielded your eyes with your gauntlet respectively, which caused her to giggle again.
"Do I not look pretty enough for the mighty angel to look?" she asked
"Your tricks won't work on me demon, I am only here to find Dina, not bed my enemy" you answer and you hear her sigh deeply.
"Shame, you would have made a great father" nonchalantly making you stammer
"I would never father your children hell spawn, I am a creature of light, not of lust and darkness" and she sighs again
"I am not a creature of lust, there are demons of lust, but they hardly leave the strip clubs and sex shops... I am what you would call... a sexy business woman" she said and noticed you were still shielding your eyes. "Oh come on, not even a peek?"
"Not until you put clothes on," you say firmly
"Very well" Rias says as she puts on her panties and bra before her shorts and shirt. "You may look now oh pure one"
You willed your gauntlet away and was relieved to see a fully dressed demon... for once.
"Before we begin our search for this Dina, would you like breakfast... or is that too below you?"
"Such disrespect is all you can expect from a demon," you mutter to yourself "Yes I would like breakfast"

And so that was how you came to be sitting next to the Devil Lucifer's sister and her peerage at their table eating breakfast as the sun started to rise. After finishing your meal of rice and chicken, a meal that was expertly cooked despite being simple, the blonde one from last night, Asia, spoke up.
"Is it good your highness? I didn't know what you would like so I made something simple" she said shyly, you smiled at her, which made Rias, raise a brow.
"T'was expertly cooked... You might even stand a chance against the cooks in the White City" you complimented and she blushed.
"T-thank you, your highness," she stammered and you waved your hand.
"Stop with that, call me (Y/n) that is my name" you say and she nods
"Very well, (Y/n)... that is a nice name"
"Yeah, one of the best birthday peasants I've gotten" you say making all the girls minus Koneko chuckle.
"Strong, caring and funny... What more can a girl ask for?" pondered Akeno out loud
"My god like intellect and charisma?" offered Issei spitefully
"What intellect? From what I've seen the smartest thing you can comprehend is following Rias' orders, and even that you don't fully understand... although I must thank you for the compliment Akeno," you say before standing and looking at Rias. "We best go, I need to ask around for a possible location of Dina... the quicker this is done the quicker I may go home" you say the last part wistfully as you stare out a window.
"Well then, who are we to keep you?" asked Rias with a smile

You walked beside Rias with her peerage behind the two of you; you got a few strange looks from the humans, which made you sigh sadly. "Humans are such judgmental creatures... it makes me sad" you mutter, Rias looks at you with a calculating gaze but says nothing. Kiba comes up to Rias and asks the question that's been on everyone's minds since they left, "Miss Rias how are you to start looking for clues?" he asked, Rias first looked to you for your input.
"I must go check in with the nearby pastors, see if they have heard any whispers, that would mean churches, maybe you should take your peerage elsewhere Rias" you say, Rias closes her eyes to think for a moment, when she opened them a smile grew as well.
"I will stay with you (Y/n), everyone else split up and ask anyone who might have an idea on Dina's whereabouts" she said and Koneko stepped up
"Are you sure, going with the angel would be painful" she offered
"I assure you, that as long as she does not betray my trust, no harm will befall Rias... by my hand at least" you say which puts the Neko girl at ease.
"Well then, you have your jobs, lets go team," says Rias, everyone bows and splits off in pairs.

You walked down the street with Rias, the sun shone warmly on your face as you led the demon to the church. You don't know why but something... primal... urged you to strike up a conversation with the crimson haired Devil.
"You know, there are a lot of stories about the Gremory house in the Celestial Library" you start
"I would hope they are good things, but logic says otherwise," she said with a small smile.
"No, the Angelic Scribes are anything but biased, they collect only the truth and the whole truth, and I must say, your family has quite the... interesting history."
"Well then, thank you, you know for enemies we seem to get along fine"
"For now, but do not mistake my kindness for friendship, as soon as Dina's head rolls free of her body I will leave Earth, until my next mission... if his Lordship ever thinks I deserve one"
"I like you, you're the nicest angel I've ever met" said Rias after a moments hesitation
"Have you met many angels?" you asked surprised
"A few, and none of them were even the slightest bit kind" she finished, you went to reply but then you noticed where you were.

A great church with angel white walls stood in front of you, its great marble doors were open allowing you to see the inside which was empty apart from the man pray at the alter, a giant gilded cross was bolted to the wall behind him.
Sighing sadly you turned to Rias, "This isn't the Lords way, humans should be humble and erect simple structures in his name, not grand and extravagant" you say and she rests a hand on your shoulder and you feel something warm in your gut swirl around happily.
"I can't follow you inside, will you be alright?" she asked
"I will be fine demon, this is probably where I will be safest" you say, you shrug your shoulder away from her and the warm happy feeling evaporates from your body leaving you confused, you shook your head to clear your thoughts as you enter the church.

Meanwhile in the White City a man and a woman watch over you and Rias, the woman glares at how the demon interacts with her son. "How dare she even lay a finger on him, I should flay her alive!" shouted Uriel from her viewing seat in the White Palace, the man smiles, his teeth a dazzling white against his dark skin, blonde hair tumbled down the back of his head in waves.
"And yet even you can feel the connection between the two" he said
"True, but they can't, they are enemies, and they could never be together"
"There is merit in that, but there is greater merit... in true love" finished the man before he left in a shower of sparks, leaving Uriel to ponder with her thoughts.
Back on Earth you walked down the aisle towards the alter where the pastor was praying, a bible laid open on the alter as well as a cross and a chalice of wine.
"Pastor, I've come to seek your help" you say, the man opens his eyes and lowers his arms, a smile evident o his face.
"All are welcome to seek help from the Lord," he said
"I have talked to the Lord and he has given me a quest, I need to find a fallen angel," you say and this confuses the man
"My child the only fallen angel that I know of would be Lucifer, and you will certainly not find him here"
"Oh don't worry I know just where to find that one... just tell me, have you heard whispers of any angelic like beings, perhaps ones that like to kill people?"
"Um well, I can't really say, besides what's a boy like you doing asking these questions?"
"Simple, I am not a boy, I am actually centuries old, I am an angel, son of Uriel to be precise" you say confidently and with pride, the pastor however scoffs indignantly.
"Now you listen here boy, I like to think that God does forgive all, but addressing yourself as an angel is borderline blasphemy!" he sneered
"Fine I will show you"

With that you allowed your wings to appear and they took up most of the room in the church, the white feathers shone with radiance and the red tips hummed with a harmonious strength. You armor appeared around you red and gold angelic steel appeared on your body, the armor ended at your neck where gold steel turned into a dark red hood with a gold trim that allowed your white angel hair to flow freely down, your piercing blue eyes glowed peacefully and the symbol on your forehead again glowed orange. The pastor's mouth hung open in shock and he carefully dropped to his knees as you hovered in the air, he put his head down in front of his knees and his hands in front of his head on the ground.
"My lord I am sorry, please I meant no disrespect" the pastor stammered quickly
"Rise faithful one, I am not the Lord therefore we are equal, just tell me what I would like to know... if you have the information"
"Of course my lord, there are rumors of a devote cult of priests, long since dead, who sought to meet the Lord face to face, they had a church near the top of Mount Fuji, newer reports say that disappearances are happening around there, people are scared about ghosts or demons."
"Very good, thank you, I will make sure to mention your help in my report" you say as you turn back to 'normal' your armor shifted back into white jeans, shirt and hoodie and your wings disappeared from view as your eyes changed back to the normal (e/c) colour as your arc symbol disappearing
"No thank you for showing me that my faith wasn't wrongfully placed"
"No faith no matter where it is placed is wrong if you believe in it enough." You walked out of the church to see some mortals pestering Rias who seemed utterly bored and annoyed with their advances.

"Come on baby, why don't we all go back to my place and have some fun?" asked the first one, a boy with ginger hair and fields of freckles covering his face.
"Yeah, and make sure to bring these lovely bouncing babies" said his friend another boy but with dyed blonde hair with frosted white tips.
"I'd rather not, besides my friend should be back soon," said Rias who had yet to see you as you walked up to them.
"So? Ditch your friend, unless it's a girl, then she can come too" said freckles
"I'm afraid Rias, wont be going anywhere" you say with steel in your voice, the two boys look in shock at the 6ft 7" man decked out in all white towered over them, Rias looked at you with relief in her eyes and her body seemed to visibly relax. She wrapped your right arm over her shoulders and hugged your waist tightly which pressed her large breasts against your side, the thought of "They are incredible soft yet firm at the same time" came through your mind and left as quickly as it entered. The boy with frosted tips gulped but stood his ground as his friend started to shake in fear.
"Y-yeah, w-well, maybe she wants to go with us," he stammered
"That statement is 100% false!" said Rias happily, neither of the boys seemed to take any heed of her as they were locked in place by fear of the potential giant in front of them.
"Boo" you said; it was simple and cliché yet it was enough to send the boys scampering away, at that moment the others in Rias' peerage appeared from down the street. You quickly pulled your arm away from Rias as the others approached, Issei was the first one to react, and he ran up to Rias and groped her boobs, which made you sick.

"Rias are you okay?" he asked sounding worried as he continued to grope the crimson haired beauty, she slapped his pervert hands away with distaste.
"I am fine Issei, Mr. (Y/n) here saved me," she said
"It was nothing," you say and you heard Akeno whistle
"And now he's a protector and humble... You really are a miracle... Please take me," she said as she threw herself through the air towards you, before you could move out the way however a glaring Rias interrupted Akeno's flight path.
"AKENO! Act professional," she warned, although the smile never left Akeno's face.
"Of course Rias" she said with a knowing smile, if you were looking at Rias you would have seen her cheeks turn almost as red as her hair, alas you were looking off into the distance.
"Our destination is Mount Fuji, we should leave immediately," you state and everyone par Kiba and Rias groans.
"But what about food?" asks Issei
"For once I must agree with the pervert, I need food," agreed Koneko
"We just had breakfast" you argue and Rias taps your shoulder
"Actually that was a couple hours ago, we've been walking for a while," she said, at that exact time your stomach chose to growl loudly making you sweat drop.
"I suppose we could stop for a little food on the..." before you could finish the cheering of demons cut you off making you sigh as Rias made a summoning circle to take all of them back to the house, being an angel, you chose to fly back as to not come into contact with demon magic.

You walked through the doors of the manor and saw everyone feasting on some chicken and rice, as well as other things. Rias noticed your entrance and called you over, sitting down beside her she handed you a bowl of chicken and rice as well as a healthy dose of vegetables, Rias gulped down what was in her mouth before starting a conversation.
"I managed to save you some food"
"Arigato, thank you Asia for cooking this food" you say sending a smile towards the blonde girl who blushed deeply
"I-it was nothing, I like cooking," she answered
"While it is great cooking nonetheless" you say before digging in, Asia and Rias smile at you before returning to their conversations... well Asia did, Rias continued to stare at you, you caught her looking when you took a bite of the crispy chicken. "What is it?" you ask
"Nothing, you look cute when you eat" she says and you raise an eyebrow and return to your food without saying another word. Seeing this Rias scolds herself for being so stupid, she feels something on her hand and sees that its Akeno's hand.
"You'll get him eventually" she said to her friend, Rias nodded but was still scolding herself.
After finishing your meals you stood up and everyone looked at you.
"We best get going, we have a long way to go to the mountain," you say but Gasper stands up in his skirt from Koneko's side.
"A-actually c-could we rest for the night?" he asks, you look outside to see that the sun was indeed setting over the horizon.
"I suppose, but we are leaving at dawn, or I will leave without you," you say as you turn to go up the stairs towards your room.

Sitting on the edge of your bed in your boxers you sigh deeply, you take out a picture from your pack that you were sent after your mother left. It showed you standing beside your mother on the day you graduated from training school, you had hardly seen Uriel smile as much as that day.
"It's only been a few days, and yet I already miss her... I need to grow up, she wont always be around" you say to yourself placing the photo back in your pack.
"Who is she?" came a familiar voice, you turned and saw Rias standing in the doorway.
"Just my mother... shouldn't you be in your room?" you ask
"I just wanted to check up on you, see if you're ready for the fight tomorrow"
"I am, now you best retire to your room while I sleep"
"Why don't we sleep together?" she asked shocking you
"W-what! I-I would never sleep with you!" you say hastily, the look of despair on her face twisted something in your gut painfully
"O-okay, I'll, I'll go" she said but before she could close the door you grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the bed, you shut the door and laid down beside her, she looked at you with a playful smile which made you blush deeply.
"Shh-shut up" you, mutter embarrassed and she laughs. You close your eyes and feel arms wrap themselves around you and pull you close, you feel Rias' hot breath on your neck, which makes you shiver.
"Just so you know, I can only sleep naked," she whispered making your eyes shoot open and you saw her naked form so you instantly shut them again.
"Why?" you ask simply
"It is just something that I do... Why? Don't you like my body?" she asked sultrily
"I-idiot" you mutter and turn around so your back was to her, then she did something unexpected, she started spooning you, and the worse thing? You started liking it.
"Do I have feelings for this Devil?" you asked yourself in your head

The next morning you awoke to someone shifting in his or her sleep. Rias was lying beside you her eyes closed and her head resting on your chest. You looked down at her and smiled, she truly was beautiful, more so than any angel in heaven you thought. You stroked her long hair and marveled at its softness and volume; biting your lip you hesitantly leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. As soon as your lips touched her she started shifting in her sleep. You backed away carefully and her eyes snapped open and met yours.
"Good morning (Y/n)" she greeted as she stretched under the covers
"Good morning Rias, I hope my chest was a comfortable substitute for the pillows," you ask and she smiles
"It was one of the best sleeps I've ever had... we should do this again some time"
"I wouldn't count on it, you are still a demon and I am an angel it would never work" you say and the sadness in your voice gave Rias hope, she sat up and straddled your lap, and with immense will power brought on by centuries of battle training you managed to not look at the globes of flesh on her chest.
"But what if it could work, (Y/n), ever since I met you you've made me happy, I, I don't want to lose you" she said as she buried her face into your neck.
"I-idiot, we are natural enemies" you stammered embarrassed by her actions.
"But we aren't enemies, I... I LOVE YOU!" she mumbled loudly into the pillow you were resting on, her declaration surprised you.
"Rias, I... I don't know what we'll do, but first we must kill Dina" you say, she sits back up and you notice tears in her eyes, you wipe them away and smile at her.
"Thanks... would it be okay if I kissed you, your highness?" she asked using the pet name she had given you, your answer instead of using words was to bring her down to you and you kissed her passionately, after a few seconds you felt her push her tongue past your lips, you fought hers with yours but eventually she overpowered you and used her tongue to explore every inch of the inside of your mouth. The sound of a fist pounding on the door caused you to separate.
"HEY, hurry up you two, you said crack of dawn and I didn't get up this early for nothing!" that was Koneko, Rias sighed before peeking your cheek and getting dressed, she pulled her panties up to her hips and turned to you with her bra in hand.
"Mind helping a girl out?" she asked, you gulp and nod. After a few minutes you and Rias walked out of your room fully prepared for your trip.

You flew beside Rias, your white and red wings emitted a warm golden glow that seemed to draw in the sunlight, because your wings were so large, being around 30 meters in wingspan you didn't need to flap them as much as Rias and the others who had much smaller wings. Although because of her small wings Rias was an expert at maneuvering through the air, while you flew in a straight line, she was preforming flips and dives as well as spins and corkscrews around you, and once even flew upside down so that when you looked down you could start a conversation with her. Eventually you made it to the snowy mount Fuji, you flapped your wings once to stop you so you could hover in place, the sudden movement was unpredicted by Rias and she shot forward a head of you, when she too started hovering she glared at you, you returned her look with a smile before addressing the others.
"The cult's church will most likely be at the top," you state and Issei raises his hand
"Um okay so how are we supposed to get in the church if it's a church, we aren't exactly angels," he said which raised a fair point, you sighed disappointed in yourself.
"Do not worry my young perverted devil, I will do what I must," you say as you lead the way to the top.

Your feet crunch the snow beneath your feet as you land, more crunching could be heard behind you as the others landed as well. You looked at the shack of the church, it was run down with many holes in the decaying wood, and yet still an iron cross, hung defiantly above the doorway.
"Forgive me Lord for what I must do" you mutter confusing the other before you jump up and carefully rip the cross off of the church roof. You hold it in your heads, closing your eyes you kiss the cross feeling the cold steel encased in a thin layer of ice on your lips. Throwing the cross away you tear your eyes away from the now flying symbol of your people and towards the Devils.
"There, now it is just a shack" you say, Rias places her hand on your on your shoulder and offers you a warm smile to which you respond with a weak one of your own.
"Welp no time like the present" said Issei as he walked inside, when there were no screams of agony or panic the others followed suit until it was just you and Rias out in the blistering cold winds.
"Are you okay my love?" she asked, you look at her with sad eyes
"I do not know" was all you said before you follow the others inside the shack.

The shack ended up being built into the mountain so that the far back was pure rock, the floor, which was made of timber, had a massive hole in it, snow that had managed to seep in through cracks in the roof dripped down into the hole as it melted. You and the others could quite clearly hear chanting and shouting from the inky darkness.
"Okay talk about creepy," said Kiba
"That I can agree with," muttered Issei as he stepped forward to inspect the hole.
"This is it, once we go down there is no turning back" said Rias "Everybody ready?"
"Oh Hell yeah" was the general response, however before anyone could say anymore you morphed into your angelic form and jumped down the hole, your wings trailing above you. Rias stared at your slowly disappearing body and sighed in frustration. "Well lets go then guys" she said as she jumped in after you head first, the others jumped in one by one.

You landed in the middle of an arena looking area, high stands stood far above the pit you were in and there in one of the grand arch ways carved out of rock stood Dina, her signature cocky smirk apparent on her face. "Just in time (Y/n), and you did bring the Devils, excellent" she said as the others landed behind you
"Your time on this Earth is about to end Dina, surrender now or your death will be painful" you say pointing your sword at her, she pretends to think for a moment, tapping her index finger against her chin repeatedly.
"No... I don't think I will, FALLEN!" she shouted and several gates opened and from them came fallen angels, all of whom were wearing full armor and carrying weapons made of light.
"Death to the demons!" they shouted as they rushed you.

You dodged the first attack then grabbed the face of another Fallen before stabbing him with your sword, you continued moving expertly by slashing off another's wings before cutting his knees off, another you sent her flying then cut her in two before you summersaulted bring your blade with you which killed even more of them. And yet they just kept coming, you looked around and saw the others struggling to gain footing, even Rias was having some trouble, Dina stood atop her platform, a special red, black and gold summoning circle behind her, she pointed to her strongest fallen angel. "You retrieve the Gremory girl, we need her for what we're about to do" she commanded, the fallen angel nodded before flying towards the crimson haired girl. Grabbing Rias by the hair the Fallen Angel dragged Rias to where Dina stood who smiled at her evilly.
"Such power in such a busty lady" she said as she grabbed Rias' breasts that struggled in her grasp.
"Let me go" she commanded as she squirmed around, Dina laughed at her misery.
"Haha, no I need this precious body to get into the White City, too bad you'll have to die, you would have made a great play thing" she said as Dina sent pulses of magic into Rias' head knocking the female demon unconscious.
"Tie her up and hold her above the circle, I want to watch as (Y/n) realizes he's lost" commanded Dina to the fallen angel.

Meanwhile you were hacking and slashing fallen angels like it was your job, because technically it was! You looked to the left and saw Koneko, and Issei holding back some fallen while on the right Akeno helped Kiba do the same as Asia tried to heal as much as she could. However you didn't see Rias, you looked up at Dina to see her smiling as another fallen started to tie ropes around Rias' body.
"RIAS!" you shout, Dina looks to you with a look of joy on her face.
"Once I sacrifice her, we'll march on the White City, killing all of the angels," said Dina dramatically
"NO!" you yell as you begin to run towards them, they begin to drop Rias' body into the glowing circle and you knew you weren't going to make it. You felt fire at your feet but you just kept running, you closed your eyes and think of all the good times you had with her... And you knew that she couldn't die. The fire at your feet grew and grew until from the ground burst, through from a fiery vortex, a red horse with a flaming mane and hooves, its eyes a bright burning red as well, it ran under your legs allowing for you to mount it while running and with a great burst of speed you and the horse jumped through the air and you caught Rias in your arms, Rias awoke in your arms and smiled.
"My hero" she murmured, you placed behind you on the horse before drawing your sword and pointing it at Dina. "THIS. ENDS. NOW!" you shout
"Very well, but at least give me a fair chance," she said indicating your horse, you glare and step off as your horse races back to your friends. "Perfect, now die!" yelled Dina as she charged you

You met her charge head on, both of your wings appearing on your backs and you took the fight to the air, she formed a light spear and attacked you, you dodge and reply with your own slash but Dina disappears and before you could register it you were slammed in the back by something powerful that sent you back a few meters. "You know after I kill you and the other angels I think I'll keep good ole Uriel my slave, I would love to see her in such a lowly place like the whore she is" cursed Dina, your eyes glowed dangerously blue and you felt yourself burning apart.
"NEVER. TALK. ABOUT. MY MOTHER!" you yell and you transform into a huge beast made of fire and steel. You stood 30 meters tall with fiery wings on your back and your horned head made Dina's eyes widen with fear as a blazing sword formed in your hand, which was the size of a lamppost. You swing the blade and a fiery arc speed its way to Dina making her fall to the floor. You stand over her and she could feel the heat from your body searing her skin.

You turn back into your normal self and Dina stands back up shakily but she growls at you. "I will not die at the hands of a half-born!" she yelled you stalk towards her without a word, Rias and everyone else watches you even the fallen angels who stopped their fighting to watch. You grabbed Dina's face with your gauntlet and she let out a muffled scream as she tried to bat you away but she was too weak. You spun her around and gripped her wings... And ripped them off, Issei and Kiba's eyes widen and Issei even hurled up his food as blood spewed from Dina's back. You grabbed Dina's neck and looked her in the eyes as she screamed in agony.
"By the might of the Lord, you are sentenced to death" you say as you rip her head off her shoulders. As soon as you did this all the other fallen angels burst into dust as the magic that kept them alive disappeared. When you calmed down your wings disappeared and the glow in your eyes disappeared. You felt someone hug you from behind and her breasts press against your back as her arms wrapped around you.
"YAY (Y/n)!" cheered Rias and the others joined in with whoops of delight.

The next day you awoke next to Rias again, you smiled as you kissed her head making her smile in her sleep. You got out of bed and put some clothes on, you opened the door and took a last look at the sleeping beauty then at the note you left her, sighing you walk out of the room and close the door behind you. You walked out of the house and into the park, back to where you first arrived on Earth. There you knelt down before the cross and with hands clasped together began to pray.
"Hello again old friend" came a male voice from in front of you, you look up to see the angel Gabriel floating in the air.
"Lord Gabriel, I have completed my task," you say and he laughs
"Everyone knows boy, you put on quite the spectacle, even surprised the big guy"
"I surprised God?" you ask and he nods
"You surprised everyone... you know I promised God I would pick you up, I didn't specify a time"
"Lord Gabriel I don't understand"
"Really, well a little birdie told me that there is a certain devil that has stolen your heart in the most sincere way possible" he says with a smirk making you blush
"Rias" you mutter
"Go to her"
"But the law about angels and demons" you question
"Good thing you have your fathers blood in you then isn't it" he said before he disappeared into nothingness. Smiling you stood up and walked back to the Gremory house.

When you entered you were met with the sounds of crying, you saw Rias on the couch with everyone, she had her head in her hands as Akeno and Asia try to comfort her. "W-as I n-not good enough?" sobbed Rias
"Hell no, if anything he wasn't good enough for you" yelled Issei, but this just made her cry more, you felt something in your hands and you looked down to see a bouquet of red roses, you smiled as you silently thanked Gabriel.
"Special delivery for Rias Gremory" you call out and all heads turn to you, Rias sees you standing there with the roses and smiles and she dashes into your arms so fast that you fell to the floor, she smashes her lips on yours roughly but when you separate she slaps you harshly a couple of times.
"NEVER do that AGAIN!" she cried as she sobbed onto your chest
"S-sorry darling but I had to meet with someone," you say
"You. Me. Bedroom now!" she commanded as she dragged you upstairs.

Locking the door Rias turned to you with an angry expression on her face.
"I thought you left me," she said calmly as she walked towards you, you backed up until you fell on the bed where Rias sat in your lap facing you.
"I was meant to go back today, Gabriel allowed me to stay a few more days"
"You mean, this may be the last time I'll see you?"
"Not if I can help it, you know the law forbidding angel and demon relationships?"
"Well it doesn't apply to me, while I am part angel I am also part Nephilim on my fathers side, this means I can love whom ever I wish, and out of everyone... I choose you Rias Gremory," you say and she smiles at you.
"Good, for a second I thought I might have had to hurt you for leaving me." She said
"Uh huh, well I best go do some meditating, haven't done much in a while... care to join in?"
"Maybe later... I have some Devil stuff to do," she says before pecking your lips with hers "Love you"
"Love you," you say as you both exit the room with smiles.

The next day Rias found you in the gardens cross-legged while your sword floated in front of you pointing to the ground. She sat down beside you and adopted the same position, instead of closing her eyes like you have however she sat there and stared at you, without opening your eyes you smiled and greeted her.
"Hello my love, how fares the house?" you ask
"I missed you last night" she said sadly
"I am sorry, but I was contacting someone, I asked them if they could fly by" at this Rias grew confused
"Who?" she asked but instead of you replying, a voice from behind her did
"Me" came the voice; Rias looked over her shoulder and saw Uriel standing there in combat pants, a white and gold long sleeve top and black boots.
"Hello mother" you say standing up to face her, she smiles at you but glares at Rias.
"Hello my son... Demon" she sneers, Rias being the brave girl she is steps forward and holds out her hand.
"Hello Lady Uriel, my name is Rias Gremory of the Gremory household" she greets, Uriel's face turns into a look of disgust as she looks at Rias' hand, you glare at your mother and she begrudgingly shakes your girlfriends hand.
"Well, at least you have manners" she said
"Mother please be nice," you say warningly
"I'm sorry but how could you love a devil, Lucifer's sister at that?"
"I do love her mother... You should respect that"
"Very well, it will take me a while to get used to this... But I will get used to it. Rias I apologize for my actions" she says nodding towards your girlfriend who smiled at the angel.
"Not to worry, you were looking out for your son which is something that I deeply respect," she said making Uriel smile a small bit.
"Well in any case I believe you called me here for another reason as well (Y/n)"
"Yes" you grasped Rias' hand "I would like to know if you would maybe want to join us in dining with her family" you say, Rias' and Uriel's eyes widen in shock before a look of happiness washes over Rias' face.
"Oh babe!" she says as she kisses your cheek. Uriel sighs before nodding.
"I will, if that is all, then I will see you tonight" she said and in a flash of light Uriel disappeared.
"I love you so much," said Rias
"And I you, but I need your help"
"I need you to pick out a suit for me" you say with a sly smile making Rias laugh joyously.

That night you stood dressed in a dark red tuxedo with silver cufflinks, Rias had specifically ordered you to wear it and you had to admit, it was a better fit than the tailors back home. Meanwhile Uriel decided to dress in dark colours as well, sporting a black form fitting dress that hugged her firm curves, the sleeveless dress also drew attention to the golden bracelets on her arms and wrists as well as the silver headdress in her hair. You knocked on the door of the normal Gremory household, however unlike most times, instead of Issei answering the door, there stood in a white dress shirt, black pants and red jacket the Demon king himself Lucifer, or Sirzechs. He smiled warmly at you and opened the door fully.
"Welcome (Y/n) and Uriel, it is a pleasure for me to meet you first, apart from my sister of course" he greeted
"It is kind of you to do so Lucifer, I realize how... irregular this is" answered Uriel but his smile never left
"Not to worry Uriel, as long as my sister is happy with your son, I am happy... although im afraid I must ask for your weapons"
"They are at the Blessed Forges being sharpened and tunes, we came here in peace," you say and he nods
"Excellent, well are you ready to be the first angels into Hell?" he asked and you nod not wanting to be away from Rias for much longer. He led you inside the house to the main foyer where a large summoning circle was open on the floor. Sirzechs jumped in and vanished into black smoke, you smiled at your mother as together you stepped into the circle.

You appeared before a large black and red castle, the sky was black and the ground was red stone. Sirzechs stood in front of you when you appeared he led you into the castle where servants hurried around with all manners of things in their hands. He led you and Uriel into a large dining hall where a giant obsidian table sat surrounded by six chairs.
"Mother, Father, Rias! Our guests are here" he called, two giant rock doors opened and in walked Rias' father, Zeoticus, who was flanked by Venelana and Rias, all of who were dressed in red and black formal wear. Rias walked over to you and wrapped you in a hug, you returned it by wrapping your hands around her, and purposely making sure your hands were nowhere near her waist. After letting go Zeoticus came forward with an outstretched hand.
A pleasure to meet the man who captured my daughters heart through love" he said, you nodded as you gripped his hand.
"Please, the pleasure is mine" you say and he laughs
"Well then... shall we eat?"
"Yes I would like to see what Devils like to eat," said Uriel before realizing how rude it sounded. "Apologies, I meant no disrespect"
"No disrespect was taken my dear I assure you" said Venelana as you all sit, with Rias' mother and father at the ends, you beside your mother, Rias in front of you and Sirzechs across from your mother.

The dinner went rather well, no fists were sent flying, nor were any snarky remarks or glares. Unfortunately your mother had to excuse herself from the table a few minutes early as she said her time allowed in the underworld was coming to a close. She thanked Rias and her family for the food and hospitality before she left through a summoning circle.
"Well your mother seems lovely" complimented Sirzechs
"She is, I wouldn't trade her for anything" you say making the family of devils smile.
"Well we've heard plenty of your mother, what about your father, the Nephilim?" asked Zeoticus and Rias slapped his wrist.
"Father!" she scolded but you held up a hand
"My father is a difficult matter to me, I have yet to meet him, unfortunately I am forbidden to tell you any information on him," you say and Venelana nods solemnly
"Understandable, well I must say, let us toast, to Rias and (Y/n)" she said and everyone echoed the cheer as you and Rias smiled at each other.


A year later and you stood in front of a special chapel, one in which demons could come and go freely from. Demons of various shapes and sizes were gathered on one side while the other was mostly full of Angels, you stood before a man wavy blonde hair, shining eyes and dark skin, beside him stood Sirzechs both had smiles on their faces. Yes today you were getting married to none other than Rias Gremory, the doors of the chapel, made of beautiful white marble and obsidian flew open and all heads turned to face the person who walked through. However instead of Rias walking down the aisle, a man with tanned skin and glowing blue eyes walked in, unlike the other gathered he wore his normal attire of red battle robes, his hood was down showing his long white hair, he scooted through the front seats until he was beside Uriel. All eyes watched the man as he kissed your mother and your eyes widened, after the two broke apart your mother nodded at you with a smile and you looked at your father... The Horseman of the Apocalypse... War rider of the Red Horse, he nodded to you and you nodded back. The doors opened again and in walked Rias Gremory, her arm linked with Zeoticus as her flowing black dress dragged along the floor behind her while she walked down the aisle, Zeoticus handed Rias' hands to you and you nodded at him. You turn to Jesus and Sirzechs as they begin their speeches, for once a room full of angels and demons... and everyone had smiles.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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