Over-sized Sweaters and Good Mornings

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Taehyung was initially fast asleep and would have not woken up until 11 am until he heard rustling and a pained groan. He first tried to ignore it and turned around to face away from the bright windows. But another yelp pierced his ears.

"Jimin..?" He grumbled, rustling the blankets off of him.

"Ah! Hyungie!" A peppy voice answered back.

Jimin was wide awake, with an almost full outfit on. However, he was missing a top for his dark blue jeans so he quickly put on the closest sweater. As he walked closer to Taehyung his soft pastel pink hair bounced.

"Good morning Tae," Jimin leaned to Taehyung for a quick peck on the cheek.

"Morning," The brunet couldn't help but to smile at his sunshine. "Why are you awake so early? It's unlike you to be awake before me."

"Mm... secret!" He placed his finger in front of his plump lips. "Was I too loud? Sorry I woke you up."

Taehyung shook his head a negative. He finally decided to get off the bed and wrapped his arms around Jimin. They fit perfectly and Tae loved that he could lean his chin over Jimin's head. Jimin in return leaned towards the gentle touch. "No, I was already awake."

He looked at what Jimin was wearing and couldn't help but the grin his boxy smile.

It was his sweater. An oversized sea blue sweater with faded blue lines decorating it. The sweater was already oversized to him, but to Jimin it looked like he was drowning in the fabric. His hands were nowhere to be seen and the sweater was exposing almost too much of Jimin's collar.

That much collarbone was only for him.

"Jimin-ssi... Do you know how much you are tempting me?" Tae teased, lifting the sweater to expose a little less of Jimin's collar.

Jimin blinked a few times and tilted his head towards V's hand.

"What do you mean?" A flirty smile graced Jimin's face.

"Chim Chimm!" Taehyung whined. "This is not fair. I wasn't ready to see this!"

"Really?" Jimin snickered. He stepped a few steps back and stuck a pose but instead of looking flirty and sexy he looked dainty and adorable.

The brunet couldn't help start crackling at his boyfriend's antics. V quickly answered with another pose matching Jimin. "Jimin-ah, how dare you think you can beat me in such a pose!"

"Excuji me!" Another pose was stuck and Jimin stuck his tongue out to blow a raspberry. "I think mine is better."

Taehyung moved closer to Jimin and rewrapped his around the shorter male. "But... Do you know what pose is better?"

"What?" Jimin breathed, his brown eyes locking Taehyungs.


Taehyung swooped to kiss Jimin on the lips with a smile. Jimin giggled as Taehyung started to deviate away from his lips but around his face. The brunet kept doing light kisses around Jimin's neck and cheeks without stopping.

He stopped at the pinkettes neck and leaned his forehead against Jimin's.

"I love you," V whispered.

Jimin smiled widely and didn't hesitate to whisper back, "I love you too." 

Over-sized sweaters and Good Mornings [Vmin]Where stories live. Discover now