red velvet lesbian cult queens

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so it starts off with red velvet. they are the ultimate leaders of this whole lesbian cult thing. basically yeri is the leader and she controls everyone and tells them to sacrifice all the fangirls that rv have. that's why whenever u watch a comeback stage for rv in its early stages u hear both fanboys and fangirls but when u get to mid-late stages like 2 weeks in all u hear are fanboys. this is bc yeris lesbian ass wants to take all the fangirls and sacrifice them for their lesbian cult. she uses irene's visuals and seductiveness to lure in the fangirls and sometimes seulgi too and joy's godzilla ass finishes them off by dragging the fangirls into the pits of a fire while sacrificing them to whatever lesbian cult god they believe in. wendy also seduces fangirls w her voice. after all of that we thought it was done, but i decided to see if there was any connection between tzuyu and yeri. so i decided to google "yeri and jyp" and guess what came up? it was multiple articles talking about how yeri AUDITIONED for SM AND SHE SANG A JYP SONG !!!!!!!! so then we assumed that JYP passed his cult ways down to Yeri as well! and that's how yeri became rv's cult leader! then as we scroll down more we end up finding an article that talks about Tzuyu and Yeri! keep in mind i typed in "yeri and jyp" but i never mentioned tzuyu! then more scrolling and guess what comes up? an article on Yeri, Tzuyu, AND LISA! FROM BLACKPINK! so then we really thought about it and boom. that's when it hit us. the big 3. the big 3 companies. JYP, YG, and SM. TWICE, RV, AND BP. ALL 3RD GEN GIRL GROUPS. keep in mind the number 3! this number has a lot to do with our theory for some reason. the way we thought about it more! and what was the connection between these 3? oh yeah TZUYU YERI AND LISA ARE THE MAKNAES OF THEIR GROUPS! THEY ARE ALL THE YOUNGEST MEMBERS! AND ALL OF THEM ARE THE LEADERS OF THEIR LESBIAN CULT GROUPS! notice how they're all different ethnicities too! one is korean, one is taiwanese, and one is thai! so we started freaking out at this point, but we kept going. we gathered facts and info from all over the web. there was a clip of yeri saying she's not afraid of american ghosts bc she can't understand them. but what if she just not scared of them bc she's dealt w them? she is the leader of a lesbian cult that sacrifices fan girls so i wouldn't be surprised!! and remember when RV was ot4? before they added yeri? why do u think they added yeri so late? oh yeah cus they were teaching her how to become the best cult leader possible!! then we move on to songs and eras!!! think about it...rv started off w the cute bubbly concept and very slowly recently started doing girl crush w peek a boo and bad boy! now, notice peek-a-boo is 3 words! and u know that hand thing that they do when they say "peek a booooo" blah blah blah, that circle they make a their fingers is a way to let the demons in! and they make that circle w how many fingers? 2! which means the remaining fingers are sticking out and how many fingers is that? oh ya, 3!!!! and then we have that 2nd verse in peek a boo where yeri literally says "1,2,3!!!!!" She says 1,2,3! and then it's "1,2,3, PLAY THE GAME AGAIN" ?! she's PLAYING A GAME! she thinks of this whole cult thing as a game! she's playing everyone! she's playing the fangirls so that she can sacrifice them for her lesbian cult! then we move on to twice and this time "what is love?" is literally 3 words! boom! right there! the number 3 is working it's devilish ways!!! so there's nothing too off putting or anything usual about the song apart from the title but notice how in the music video tzuyu's part is an angel? ironic isn't how? how she gets to play an angel yet she's the cult's leader!!! also there was an article recently where it said chaeyoung was asking for yeri's number!!! which led us to believe chaeyoung may wanna be apart of the cult! and we said if chaeyoung isn't apart of it that means other prob aren't either and so we thought if not all of them are, then who is? and BOOM! the Japanese line! and how many are they? oh ya, 3!!!!!!! momo mina and sana are all apart of the cult along w tzuyu aka the leader! and now chaeyoung wants to be apart of it! then we have blackpink and "playing with fire" which is 3 words!!! again with the 3!!!! lisa's rap in this song is literally her talking about how what she's doing is making her feel like she's a coke addict and how her heart is "black"! and there's one part where she literally says "boy i'm loco!" as if she were indicating that she's crazy bc she's the leader of blackpink's lesbian cult! then at this point we started branching out to other possible cult groups. we stayed within the big 3 and realized, semi 1st gen girl groups!!! Wonder Girls - JYP! 2NE1 - YG! (f)x - SM! and all of them have 4 members! and guess what? all of them disbanded! (fx is still technically together but been on hiatus for 3 years so) we couldn't find a connection in terms of leaders but we realized that certain individuals from each group have been kind of doing their own thing!!! Sunmi from wonder girls is solo now!! gashina bitch!! then CL from 2ne1 is solo now as well! and Amber from fx is solo too!!!! after this we started branching out of the big 3! we started going after other companies like cube and starship and pledis! and we came to a conclusion that cube had a huge role to play in this whole lesbian cult thing cus guess who's under cube? HYUNA! the lesbian queen of them all! guess how many bands hyuna's been in? that's right you guessed it...3!! she was apart of WONDER GIRLS who what? oh yeah DISBANDED! she was apart of 4MINUTE who what? oh yeah DISBANDED! and now she's apart of a band called "TRIPLE H" who hasn't had a comeback in over a year. but if they're called triple h, guess how many members there are? yup ur right again! 3!!! hyuna, hwaitaek, and hyojong. hwaitaek and hyojong (aka hui and edawn) are from pentagon! and remember when. i said earlier that sunmi, CL, and Amber are the only members that went solo from their group? think about Hyuna! she was in 3 different groups and is now a SOLO artist! then we went down the cube line a little more and realized that CLC is probably apart of the lesbian cult line too!!! why u ask? well remember when i said RV went from a cute concept to girl crush? that's exactly what happened w CLC! they debuted with Pepe which was a soft and cute song and now they have hobgoblin and black dress which is sexy/girl crush concept!!! this is exactly like what happened to RV! then i remembered something, when watching Hobgoblin stages, i rmbr reading comments of everyone saying the rapper of CLC (Yeeun aka my bias i love her sm) sounded exactly like hyuna, and guess what? turns out hyuna actually helped compose that very song and gave lessons to yeeun on how to sound like her!!!! which lead me to thinking if hyuna did that then that means yeeun is the ring leader for the lesbian cult in CLC! but it doesn't stop there! i forgot to mention; how many letters are in CLC? oh yeah, 3!!! next, you know that new group that recently debuted? (G)-Idle? yeah it continues on with them! they debuted with the song "latata" and when u break it up it's "la" "ta" and "ta" again! 3 syllables/words! and there's a part in the song where they randomly just say "i love ya" in the back and it's annoying but! get this, it's 3 words! "i love ya" and me and friend said maybe this is gidle's way of saying i love ya to try and seduce us bc did u know that the lyrics are literally interpreted as trying to seduce the person watching them? it's literally about making you fall into a trance for them!!!!! which led to me and my friend thinking that the dance and the song is for them to mind control the fan girls and get them to use them as sacrifice for the lesbian cult!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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