Welcome to the Underworld... I Guess.

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It was just another day in the deep, dark pits of the Underworld, Hades was bored out of his mind. Again. It had been the same thing for the past 300 years, checking humans in to their new hellish home. Boring. Hell, even the Reapers had it better than him and they had to bring them here!

Sighing he walked out of the dimly lit reception or what he nicknamed it as the reception. He had heard stories of the wonderous outside world from the numerous humans that had walked... Excuse me... hovered through. To him technology was like magic, nonexistent. To them it was as common as grass or seeing the sky. Hearing these stories it made him want to experience it for himself, it just made his work that much worse. He was restrained to a place he didn't want to be in, unable to leave.

"Hello?" A voice echoed through the darkness. "Hello?! Can anybody hear me?!" Footsteps echoed around the Lord of the Underworld along with a voice still calling out sounded through the deep, dark, dreary hell. However, this voice sounded very much alive, unlike the others that were around him. A human perhaps? Maybe a demon, ghost or reaper that got lost? Angel? Nope definitely not that last one. Angels belong in heaven, not hell. Definitely not hell.

The person/thing came into view, it looked human, then again most things down there did. Demons, reapers, ghosts, angels, they all looked human or close enough to pass off as one in any case. Whatever it was, Hades was hoping it wanted to take his job.

And not return it.


Hades was able to see the thing better, it was a young girl about the age of 17 or 18. Human. Whoever she was, she could breathe, was alive and wasn't meant to be here in any fact.

"Hello! Are you Hades? It's a pleasure to meet you, in any case! Oh where's my manners? I'm Devina Stanski, don't ask about the name." She rambled on and on, then she mentioned something interesting. "You see I came here out of chance, I wanted an adventure really, but I find it really interesting here. I would love to live here actually."

"You? Want to live, here?" Hades was flabbergasted. Who in their right mind would want to live here?

The girl nodded, "Indeed I do." She must be crazy. "I heard that."

Hades was shocked, did he just say that out loud? "Did I just-"

"Yup. So are you Hades?"

"Yes, I am Hades. Lord of the Underworld, I guess." He sighed and motioned for the girl to follow him. He had taken a few steps before realising she wasn't following. "What are waiting for? Come on."

She ran after him until she caught up, "so where are we going exactly?"

"Do you ever shut up? We're going to 'reception', if you must know."

"Well excuse you, Mr. I'm-Lord-of-the-Underworld. I'll have you know I do shut up, also what's reception?"

Devina was incredibly interested by everything in the Underworld she was told to shut up by basically all of its inhabitants. Several times. She was like a hummingbird just more annoying, much more annoying. It was like she was a motor that never stopped running.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

All the time.

However, she wasn't going to leave anytime soon. She wanted to stay.

"You look bored, Mr. Hades."

"You think?" He replied back to her with attitude. "It's absolutely the most boring place in the world and you're still interested by it? I live here and I find it boring."

"If you're that bored why don't you leave? I'll take care of this place for you," Devina offered.

"Hm..." was all she was replied with.

A week had passed and neither had left. Honestly, Hades was worried about leaving the Underworld to Devina, even if it was for a day.

"So Hades, what exactly do you want to do? Stay or leave? I mean this place is interesting to me but then again... so is the internet."

"What the hell is the 'internet'?"

"Only the best thing in the world! I mean how could you not know what it is?"

"Um... Underworld?"

"Oh right... no connection..."

"Huh?" Hades was confused by this point of the conversation. Did he want to stay or leave? What's the internet? None of these things he had any ideas about. The Underworld may be boring to him but could he trust this girl to take care of this place? Probably not but to see and experience the world, it was his only choice.

He didn't know if he could trust her at all.

He didn't know if the Underworld would still be intact after he got back.

He just didn't know.

It scared him.

Nothing scared him.

What was wrong with him? He didn't know.

He was scared. Terrified. Petrified.

The God of the Underworld was scared for the first time in his life, what a joke. What a bad joke.

Questions filled Hades mind and for the first time he was tempted to leave, take the girl up on her offer. Just to leave and forget about everything. The other Gods wouldn't be happy but... he would.

He was bored with his job and that was it; nothing more, nothing less.

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