Tempting Hades

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Hades was staring into the abyss when the door opened.
It was thrown open with mighty grandeur, as to make all the eyes in the room fall upon the one fabulous entrant. Alas, Hades owned the only working pair of eyes in the room, and he would not turn for just anyone.
"Brother," a deep voice called from the entrance, "will you not turn for me?" The doors collapsed with an echo. No, not a man. Hades knew that voice. A god.
"You are in my realm now, Zeus." Disdain dripped through his words. "Do I come to the Heavens and ask of your audience?"
"You did...." Zeus approached from behind. "Once."
"I know not why you are here, and I do not care to know. Leave now, and we shall part ways as we were before."
"Oh, brother... I come to share good news. You could use that for a change."
Hades bowed his head. The visions of his wife danced before his eyes..... the vision of the first time he saw her.... the visions of her laughs.... the visions of her lifeless body...
"What is it?" Hades turned, his momentum nearly knocking the God of the Skies off of his feet. "I do not care for your foolish games. Tell me now or tell me not, the choice is yours."
"All these years and you still speak in the ancient riddled tongues... It has been a millennia since you returned to the earth. Not since her passing."
"Do not speak of her. Her mention is not worthy of a tongue such as yours."
"I am offering you a way out. A way out of your.... personal hell, so to speak. A way to see her again." Zeus stepped forward, rested his hand gently on top of Hades' shoulder, as if he were the oldest and not the other way around. "I know how you long to see her. I know how you tried to, but failed. I know how... tantalizing it must be to have her, but not know her again."
Hades looked to the abyss again. He had always took pride in not owning his wife. They ruled together, their kingdom theirs alone, herself hers alone. Partners, not her owner. But in her death he ruled over her, owned her soul. He could feel her calling out for him in the deepest corners of hell, but could not reach her.
"I can help you see her again. The only way possible. In death."
"You would kill me, brother?" It was near impossible to kill a god. Especially not one as powerful as Hades. But if anyone could do it, it would be Zeus. A god must be killed by a god of equal standing.
"If that is what you wanted. I can't offer you more revenge, I'm afraid. It appears you have taken your revenge and ran with it." Zeus gestured to the outskirts of the room. Bodies littered the floor. Their souls were being swept to the fields of punishment. But chained to the wall was a living, breathing woman. Only in the most literal sense of the word. Kept alive with mix of sheer will power and Hades' magic, his wife's killer was chained to the wall. "Did it make you feel better when you caught her?" Zeus questioned. "When you brought her to justice, brought her here.... Did you feel any sense of relief when you inflicted pain upon the woman who inflicted so much pain onto you?"
"No." Hades whispered. "I felt nothing at all."
"Oh my brother, when was the last time you felt anything at all?"
Zeus sighed and plucked the wrist of one of the dead bodies up from upon the ground, his muscular arm supporting the weight of the full body. "And what did he do to inflict your wrath? Or him? Or her? What did they all do to inflict your wrath? And was it worth it?"
"Let me ease your pain. You can release it all into the abyss and give yourself to the next king of the underworld. No more pain. No more worry. No more anything at all.
"And who, pray tell, will this new king be?"
Hades threw his head back and laughed, a booming, thunderous sound that rivalled Zeus' own. "And here I was thinking that you were trying to help me. I almost would have done it, even. The benefits sounded nice, really. But they do not outweigh the costs."
"Why does it matter who becomes what after you die? You will be dead and without pain. It matters not."
"Because my soul will be yours. Just as my wife's is mine. Just as these ghosts are mine. Just as yours will be."
"Woah now." Zeus took a step back. "I was asking as a brother, trying to help you with an easier route. I wasn't planning to kill you without your consent."
"How noble of you." He boomed.
"If you don't want my help then, fine. Let's see you find another way to bring back your precious wife."
"I already have."
"Now it's my turn to laugh. Not the entire panel of Olympians could bring her back. How will one god succeed?"
"The Olympian's powers are spread too thin. When was the last time you went to Olympus? A millennia, perhaps?"
"And what does it matter?"
"The more concentrated powers are, the more powerful they become. I have them all now, brother."
"And what do you mean of that?"
"I mean, the reason that the oceans have recently warmed have nothing to do with global warming. It's warmed with the tears of the fish crying for their fallen master." Hades grinned. "You're the last God for me to kill. And you just walked into my layer."
The walls started to crumble and close against Zeus as they pushed him towards the abyss.
"Thank you for your sacrifice, brother. Only in your death will I see my precious Persephone again."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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