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Bibles filled the shelves that filled the small room. They were not Bibles of the Simban variety, filled with stories of arcs and burning bushes, but of phoenixes, dragons, and even shape-shifters. The man that walked among the shelves walked with an objective his superiors would find most...ungray. The Librarian, or Grayman, as the populace called his kind, was filled with a curiosity that could only come from being young and foolish.

Finally, the man reached the shelf he had most desperately searched for. The Book of Prophets lay delicately in the Librarian's trembling hands. He had overheard his elders speaking of a prophecy that had to come true soon. If it did not, the world of the Maschmojor would vanish forever and all that would remain would be the dreadful Simban. Each page he turned was another step his elders took towards finding him redhanded with a book forbidden to one of his status. Luckily his endeavor was over as he found the page he had been searching for. Quickly, he copied down the prophecy.

Born in the blood of life and of death

Daughter of Luna

Son of Charon

Daughter of Song

And Daughter of Emrys

Fates connected

To right a path wrongly turned

For the of a life

Will end all lives

But life cannot-

That was as far as the man dared to go, fearing that the light pitter-patter he heard was not children but gray-cloaked men and to go farther was to take his life lightly. he hurried from the room, taking care to place the book as it once was. Perhaps if the man had risked what was soon lost to him anyway, the sadness he caused would not have come.

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