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"A sight to see, when sleep is deep.

No speck of light, a dark abyss.

Filled with dreams, where imagination runs free.

A world surrounded in a word called bliss."

The calmest moment appearing each day.

The sun disappearing as the moon gains reign.

Where is the happiness, the cheers and the gays?

Oh you see, honey, they must go to bed.

We say goodnight.

We turn off our lights.

Not only that.

We must close our eyes.

Alone with our thoughts, we glimpse through a seam.

More than that, our fear is supreme.

We now shall see, a world make believe.

With not only people, but also the beasts.

The dimension now in, maybe futures, foreseen.

Deep in this trance, oh look, it's the geese!

We may be as happy as we'd ever be,

However, when morning, these visions will dim.

But then the sun will rise from the east.

We have rested for a whole night with ease.

And you now ask me, the conclusion is?

I'd say, the world is finally in peace.

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