I : He stood up

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Seongwoo stood up, faced the whole class while the teacher was busy flicking his pencil with his left brow raised, giving off smirk as he stares at the ebony-colored hair boy with pale skin with noticeable three moles on his face.

"I am Ong Seongwoo, I am going to court our teacher starting off today, so shut the hell up, don't make my fist reach your smuggish faces, shut up and listen to him. Understood?"

The classroom was left in awe and shock, some shouted and whistled, some clapped and squeeled, they were not expecting this to come. The teacher as well, he was not prepared for this, he quickly dragged Seongwoo out of the room, with his hands gripped tightly on Seongwoo's wrist which will surely leave a red mark on that milky skin.

"What the hell are you thinking?" the teacher shouted at him as they reached the men's washroom.

"Telling the class what I am about to do, I guess?" Seongwoo answered with a hint of sarcasm.

"I know that, you dumbass! Holy fudge Seongwoo, can't you just shut your mouth and keep that words to yourself, yes I allowed you to court me, yes I did that, but for fuck's sake, can't you just keep it to yourself? This will be a mess once the admin finds out this." the teacher shouted at Seongwoo.

Seongwoo just made face as the teacher spoke, then moved his index finger to his teacher's plump lips, "Yes sir, I will. I am sorry, please accept this as a token of apology" Seongwoo quickly leaned towards his teacher, feeling that lips with his. His teacher quickly pushed him then struck his middle finger at his face.

"Fuck you Seongwoo!" his teacher, with imaginary smoke coming out of his ears and nose and tomato cheeks, shouted at Seongwoo.

"Please sir, please do sir Daniel" Seongwoo whispered sexily at his teacher's ears then sticked his tongue and let it slip into his teacher's ear and let his crotch brush Daniel's.

"Damn" Daniel, struggling with his hormones told to himself.

"You're cute when you are teased baby" Seongwoo left him dumbfounded, walking briskly then winked at him before he exits.

"You'll be damned Ong Seongwoo" Daniel shuts his eyes then took a deep sigh before leaving the washroom.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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