Notes: Gerry isn't paralyzed from his accident

"WHAT?!? But Daddy..."

"No buts! You're not to be seein' that boy!"


"Because he hangs around with that Campbell boy! I won't allow it in my house!!"

"This is so unfair!"

"I don't hafta to be! You're not seein' him anymore and that's final!" Her father argued back slamming the back door behind him.

Claire's anger simmered as the sound of a car engine reached her ears, roaring to life. She waited patiently for her fathers' departure. She had to get to Gerry. Too bad her brother Alan had left well over an hour ago with Petey and Sunshine doin' God knows what. Gerry... The only thing in her thoughts. Gerry... The reason she and her father had been fighting.

Fred Bosley wanted his daughter to be no part in the Bertier boy's life. He didn't and still doesn't approve of the integration of the team and school at T.C Williams. It was bad enough that his son had been dragged into it but he refused to have his daughter mixed up in it too.

Claire stared out the window, hoping someone would come along. Someone to take her to Gerry. She was just about to give up and walk the trek across town when a glimmer of hope arrived: a familiar black Pontiac rolling past her house.

"Julius!" She gasped quietly. Julius: her boyfriends' best friend, his right hand man.

She grabbed her house key, locked the door, and ran toward the Titan Defensive End.

"Julius! Julius, wait!!" She called as she ran across her front lawn at full speed.

The Pontiac nearly skidded to a stop as Julius slammed on the brakes.

"Where's the fire Little Sister?" He joked as he rolled down the window.

"Take me to Gerry please!" She begged, although she really didn't have too. 

"Hop in lil Sis! I was headed that way anyway."


She jumped in just as Julius changed gears and hit the gas.

"You gon' tell me what's wrong?"

"Dad," Claire responded sternly.

"Oh, I see. Daddy Dearest don't want you seein' Superman no more?"

Claire nodded her head and tears threaten to form in her eyes.

"Hey now, it's alright.  We're almost there!" said Julius, trying to cheer her up. 

Julius pulled up to the familiar house with the big white porch. Gerry, her Superman, was standing on the porch in front of the door. She thought he looked so handsome in his button down and letterman jacket.

"Hey man!" He greeted as Julius exited the car.

"Superman! I gotta lil somethin' extra for ya," Julius responded with a wink.

Gerry raised his eyebrows in suspicion, keeping his gaze on the passenger side door. He was taken aback to witness his girlfriend departing from the vehicle.

Julius hugged his friend and began to step back to his car. He leaned against the driver's side door as Claire ran full speed into Gerry's arms. Gerry held her tight while she buried her head in his chest. Giving her a loving kiss, Julius took that as his cue to make his departure.

"I'll see you two love birds later!"

The couple waved him goodbye as he drove away.  Claire glanced towards the driveway and realized that Mrs. Bertier's new Camaro was gone. The Bertiers' had recently replaced their car when Gerry had his accident right before the championships. Luckily, Gerry had come out with a broken leg, a few stiches, and a concussion. She exhaled a sigh of relief; they were alone. Gerry smiled at her as he led her into the house to his bedroom. Seating himself on his bed, he motioned for Claire to join him. She obliged by placing herself in his lap and snuggling her face against his broad shoulder.

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" asked Gerry.

"Dad," she uttered flatly.

"Ahh, y'all were fightin' again this mornin' huh?"

"Yep," she replied sternly.

"What about this time?"

Claire sighed again, her tears re-forming. "You."

Gerry was instantly shocked. He always felt that Mr. Bosley liked him. He and Alan had been friends since they were kids. He seemed quite happy when Gerry and Claire began seeing each other.

"I thought he liked me! What changed?"

"He says he don't trust you anymore cuz you're with Julius so much. He doesn't like what's goin on at T.C and especially Coach Boone. H-He said that he didn't want me seein' you anymore," Claire explained.

Gerry felt as if someone had punched him in the chest. His last relationship had fallen apart due to the racial issues in their town. His ex-girlfriend Emma hadn't agreed with the integration either and had also grown jealous of his relationship with Julius. They'd ended things on somewhat good terms after football when Emma said that she would try to understand what was happening.  When Gerry had had his accident, he and Claire had gotten close. They soon began dating and now were inseparable.

"Baby, what are we gonna do? I don't wanna end things! It's not fair!" Claire exclaimed.

"Don't worry sugar, it's not gonna end nothin'. We'll find a way," Gerry reassured her.

"You promise?"

"Here's my promise." Gerry lifted her chin with his thumb and kissed her hard. She melted into the kiss along with her worries. She knew that no matter what, they would make it through.

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