Chapter one

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Oliver Anderson was a regular boy. He went to school, did his homework, and hung out with his friends, so why would anyone want to hurt him. It all started about two years ago. Oliver was home alone doing his homework, when someone or something started tapping on the window. Oliver ignored it, since it was probably just a tree. When he looked out the window, Oliver noticed that there was a tree in site. Oliver rushed to the bathroom and locked the door, but not before grabbing a knife from the kitchen. He stayed Oliver  Anderson was a regular boy. He stayed in there until he was certain that he was safe. As soon as silence flooded the house, Oliver slowly stepped out of the bathroom. He ran to his parents' room only to be faced with something horrible. Before he could even get close to the figure, he blacked out only to wake up in the hospital.

It didn't take him long to realize that he had lost sight in his right eye. He walked to the restroom. He took off the bandage that was wrapped around his eye and looked in the mirror. When he did he almost threw up. His eye had been replaced with a pocket watch which miraculously was still ticking. There was a scar along his cheek that looked like a chain. Oliver left the restroom noticing that a woman had been waiting for him.

"Hello Oliver I'm Dr. Mills," the woman introduces herself.

"Do you know what happened to me?" Oliver asked.

Dr. Mills hesitated for a while before answering. She told Oliver that patients have been checked into the hospital with similar conditions. Dr. Mills talked about a girl whose hands had been replaced with metallic versions, a boy who had half of his skull replaced with gears, circuits, and wires, and finally twins one's heart was replaced with a harddrive and the other's replaced with a game controller. The doctor also mentioned that all the victims were the same age as Oliver and the police believed that this wasn't a solo act. The man responsible for it all didn't work alone.

All this information shocked Oliver. He had no idea how to cope with all of this. He decided to wait for his parents in the waiting room. As he waited Oliver got strange stares from the other people there. He didn't blame them though, if any of them looked like he did he would stare at them the same way.

His parents got there about 5:30 in the morning. When they got home Oliver's parents decide that he wouldn't be going to school the next day and he would be homeschooled from now on. Oliver didn't blame them. He always got bullied, so he didn't think the other kids at school would act kindly to his new appearance. Oliver spent the rest of the morning on his laptop. He was mainly on facebook updating his status. He made a post about what happened it read 'I just got home from the hospital. I don't want to get into the detail, also Selfie Saturdays are now cancelled'.

After about 5 minutes he got a text from his friend Devin. Oliver decided to ignore it, and instead asked if Devin could meet him at his house. Oliver went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast, but before he could get there he heard the doorbell ring. He cover up his right eye with the bandage the was wrapped around his eye when he was asleep in the hospital before answering the door. When he answered the door, Devin walked right in like he usually did.

"Dude why weren't you at school," Devin asked.

Oliver raised an eyebrow, then he  realized that it was 3:00.

"Oh I was at the hospital," Oliver answered.

"Is that why you have that bandage around your eye," Devin asked.

"Yeah," Oliver answered.

"Can you take them off?" Devin asked.

Oliver hesitated before take off the bandage revealing the watch replacing his eyes. Devin jump when he saw it. Oliver made Devin promise not to tell anyone. Devin agreed, but he didn't really see the point. The two boy spent the rest of the day on Oliver's PS4 and eating his Dad's potato chips. Oliver explained how he was going to be homeschooled from now on, since his parents thought that the bullying would only increase.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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