Angels of Destruction

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She always knew she was too good for him. It wasn't hard, no one forgot to remind her. Daily, she would get asked "why him?" and her reply would always be the same "I don't know?"

You see, all the responses came with a warning. "He will hurt you" but she didn't care, she wanted him and only him.

And he is, in the end, what destroyed her. He broke her slowly, tearing pieces of her heart away until all that was left were the decaying strings that used to beat so strong.

It wasn't hard to enjoy what he had to offer, she received it from multiple men in her life and yet this time was different. Instead of rejecting the angel in front of her, she accepted.

Was that her mistake? Or was it trusting in him altogether?

You see, his heart belonged to her, but his mind did not. He was too influenced by those around him and the many masks he would wear. In the end, it cost him his happiness.

He lost the only thing his life was worth living for, blindly standing by as he allowed his world to crumble before his now empty soul. He watched her walk out if his life without another word and in that moment, their short lived fairy-tale was over.

There was nothing left but the helpless tears she cried silently in the night and the heart-wrenching guilt he felt as he looked at what his once beautiful angel had become.

No longer did she glow like something from the heavens, oh no, she now barely made it past her doorframe without breaking once more. He poured scorching liquor down his throat and inhaled the toxic fumes that blacked his lungs in hopes of forgetting. Yet it was his dreams that were most haunting.

~ Her

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