Chapter One: A Slipper

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Hello just a note from the author please don't forget to leave your comments and I will try to answer back. It just leaves me to say thanks for reading. Author out for now.

Maliyah’s POV:

A glass slipper. A slipper that caused the greatest love story of all time. Well, my story is a bit different. It’s almost the other way around.

I don’t have a fairy godmother or magic, but I love the story Cinderella. It was a classic my mother used to read before she left my father.

My name is Maliyah Carson, or Rogue Carson just like Cinderella. Her name was not Cinderella, yet everyone knows her as Cinderella.

My father wasn’t a hard working man. He was quite rich and relied on others for everything. In a nutshell, he’s a stuck-up rich guy. I, on the other hand, couldn’t care about the money. It means nothing to me.

Meet my ‘prince’, Xavier Edwards. He isn’t rich, and he doesn’t care about all that. When I met him, I was riding my horse, when she got startled by a snake. Xavier saved me before I went over a cliff.

And this is where we start.

“So, what’s your name?”

I hated looking like a posh, spoiled brat, so I dress like everyone else. This also helps me not be recognized as the daughter of Duke Carson.

“Mal...Rogue. And you are?”

I was going to say my name, but then he would know who I am and he would talk to me differently.

“Xavier Edwards.”

I was shocked. I knew of the Edwards and they don’t have a very good reputation around town.

“Xavier Edwards?”

I repeated and he turned to face me, stopping me in my tracks. A smirk grew on his face and I could feel my face go as red as a tomato.

“That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.”

He moved back and we started walking again.

“So, tell me, Rogue, you’re not one of those girly girls who dream of a castle on the hill, are you?”

Who is this guy? Ed Sheeran? I rolled my eyes and he turned my head to face him.

“Did you roll your eyes, princess?”

I could feel my cheeks go red again as I looked away. I felt that if I look in his eyes anymore, I’ll get lost in them.

“I’m no princess, sir. And I didn’t roll my eyes.”

I lied through my teeth, yet again. My father would have a fit if he knew; he ‘didn’t approve of lying.’ The rest of the journey was quiet and I hated it. I can’t stand silence; my father demands it.

Xavier’s POV:
I was hunting for blood when I heard a scream. I was so close to getting it, but I dropped everything and raced to rescue the girl.

She was breathtaking. When I asked her name, she started off with one but ended in another. She was trying to hide something from me, but I didn’t push her.

When she rolled her eyes, it drove me crazy. She had beautiful eyes and she was going to lose them.

The journey was quiet after that and I hated it. We came close to Duke Carson’s mansion. Rogue tensed up and turned away from the house.

“Everything alright, Rogue?”

She nodded, but I knew there was something wrong. We reached the back door of the mansion and Rogue stopped.

“Well, this is me.”

I looked at the house, then back at her. She lives here? Really? Please tell me she’s not Carson’s daughter. 

“You live here with Duke Carson?”

She gulped before shaking her head. I’ll take that as a yes, shall I? She started to walk and I caught her hand.

“No. I work for Duke Carson’s daughter. I’m the housekeeper, but I mainly work for her.”

I listened to her heartbeat and it had increased. She had been lying to me the whole time.

“You work for her ladyship?”

She nodded and started to slowly walk up the path in silence.

“When can I see you again?”

Despite the fact that she lied to me, I was drawn to her. Her blood was like nothing I had ever come across. I was starving, craving blood when I’m around her. It’s like that doesn’t matter at all.

“Tomorrow. By the bridge.”

I grinned and she blushed again. I know who she is. Her clothes and her lies can’t hide the fact that she is Lady Maliyah Carson. I watched as she snuck into the house before I raced off.

I wanted to make sure she made it into her house. This area is known for the number of attacks. Unfortunately, I happened to be a part of that, but on my part, it’s mainly animal killings.

I realized as I got home that Maliyah is my soul.

Maliyah’s POV:
I ran to my room and changed out of my clothes. If my father saw me in what he called ‘rags’, he would lose his head.

I sat by my bedroom window and looked out. I couldn’t stop thinking about Xavier. I felt horrible for lying to him, but I was going to tell him at the bridge tomorrow.

“Maliyah! Get yourself down here! The tailors are here to fit your dress for tomorrow night.”

I rolled my eyes before shutting the window and walking down the stairs. I wanted to run, but the shoes I have to wear aren’t running material.

“I’m here, Papa.”

The tailors started to measure me up and my father was staring at my reflection in the mirror.

“Maliyah, you know I love you, so I’m going to give you a chance to find yourself a suitor. Tomorrow night at the party, you can bring someone with you.”

I jumped off the stool and hugged my father, before stepping back on the stool for the tailors to finish their measurements. I had one person in mind: Xavier.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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