Flowers in my hair

105 4 2

I walk the empty streets of my once beautifull neighbour hood, I feel my puppy dashers wet nose on my bare leg, the sun is rising and as everything gets lighter I see how much my neighbourhood has changed.

Bloody handprints and smears on the fences

Burnt out cars

And a tricycle , covered in gore ,

I advert my eyes from this and look at my puppy's ,

They are skinny , two skinny

I have nearly run out of food for them

Dixon , my purebred German Shepard runs ahead to a familiar house

Gray , my purebred husky follows him , I study the garden

Yellow picket fence



Lavender bushes

And green grass


It's my Aunty bells garden

I run over to the garden and collapse on the grass and inhale the perfume of the flowers

I don't dare think about going into the house incase I see my Aunty bell as one of them thangs

Taking off my bag , I unzip it and pull out my sleeping bag and jumper, I dig around for dog food and find one can left, I try to pry it open with my fingers but it wound work ,

I pull out my pocket knife and stab the lid,

Carefully , I cut around the brim and flick the metal off , revelling the chunky meat inside , Dasher quietly on my jumper and Dixon and Gray sit eather side of me, cutting three chunks in the meat if flick one to each of my doggies ,

I crawl over to the garden bed and take out my hair and plait it into two, I then cut a rose from the garden bed and push it into the band of my left plait, I cut another and push it into the band of my right plait,

This is what my Aunty bell and I used to do every time I came over to stay at the home in the summer, I reach over to my bag and pull out a small box of bobby pins ,

I sit the box on my lap and cut some lavender plants , roses and carnations from the garden bed, opening the bobby pin container I remember the fun times I had with my Aunty bell in this garden , we would braid each others hair and eat lamingtons while my doggies tried to eat the bees surrounding the lavender bushes, a silent tear rolls down my face , my puppy dasher nudges my arm,

I see many weeds in the garden bed and on the grass , my Aunty bell would scream if she saw this ,

I look at dasher and pat his head,

' it's gonna be a long day' I say glancing at the garden bed

He whines

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