Steven Universe (Spoilers)

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(Spoiler warning! Read at your own risk if you are not caught up to the May 2018 episodes)


Like, the Rose Quarts is Pink Diamond theory is so old. It was one of the first theories because Rose was the only pink gem we had seen. But it was right?! After all these years, years of people debunking it, it's true. I am dumbfounded that it's right. I need answers! I love the Crewniverse, I love Rebecca Sugar, I love the show, but I want to know why. I have so many questions now:

Why did Pink Diamond (let's call her PD for short) get Earth? Did PD choose Earth? Why did PD decide to make herself into a quartz? Is that why all the Rose Quartzes are bubbles? Where was PD's Pearl? Is our Pearl PD's actual Pearl? Where was Eyeball (Ruby) in Pearl's memory? Is this why Rose could have Steven and use healing tears? What pushed PD to rebel against the other diamonds? What about the Human Zoo? Why was PD so much smaller than the other diamonds? How does Lion fit into all of this? What about Lars? Was Padparadscha PD's Sapphire (or one of many)? Where are all if PD's gems (like, the Amethysts work for BD now and Jasper worked for YD, but what about the PINK colored gems)? Can all gems create fake gem shards? Can only diamonds make fake gem shards? What can Steven do as half diamond? Can he turn his gem to face like PD's? Can all gems do that? Will the diamonds accept Steven if he tells them and shows them what happened?

I think that's more than enough for now.

Mind if I Rant?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora