How You First Meet

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You slammed the car door shut and quickly put your foot down on the gas pedal. You were pissed off at the plumber. He didn't even do his job, yet he still demanded twenty five dollars of your money. When you refused, he'd threatened to call the cops, so you were forced to give him the money.

When you arrived at the bar, you wasted no time and hurried up to the bartender. "A beer, please."

"Tough day?" a voice asked from beside you. You looked over to see the typical hot guy you would see at a bar.

"Yeah," you replied. "My plumber is an idiot."

The man laughed. "That'll do it. I'm Dean."

You shook his hand. "Y/N. Did you have a bad day today, too?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, my little brother is... not being the smart guy I know he can be. You know? He's going to make a stupid choice. The thing is, he's not stupid," he said as you raised an eyebrow. "He's just too trusting of people."

"Oh," you said, not knowing how to respond. "Then... why don't you go make sure he doesn't do... whatever it is you don't want him to do?"

Dean smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I should go check up on him." He took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. "Call me, Y/N."

You grinned as you took his number. "I will, Dean. Good luck with your brother."

"Good luck with your plumber," Dean responded with a smile and a slight wink at you. You blushed and smiled like an idiot as he walked away.


As you trotted onto the Stanford campus for the first time, you were excited, but terrified. You knew that it was one of the hardest colleges to get into in the U.S, and if you didn't keep your grades up, you would be kicked out. You knew that today would be the first day of the rest of your life. You looked down at your schedule, and the first class on it was Chemistry Honors.

You got to the room, found a seat, and sat up straight, waiting for the teacher to arrive. A couple of students were already there, but none that you recognized.

"Hey, can I sit here?" a young man asked.

You blushed, as he was incredibly handsome. "Yes, of course. I'm Y/N."

He smiled as he sat down. "I'm Sam."

"So, Sam, you must be pretty smart to get into Stanford," you said with a grin. "What are you planning on doing with your life?"

"I'm aiming to be a lawyer," Sam replied. "What about you?"

"I, um..." you started. "I haven't really decided yet. This is my first time here."

"So you're a freshman?" Sam asked. He grinned. "It's pretty impressive that you're already taking Chem Honors."

You smiled. "Thanks. My sister told me not to, but I ignored her advice." You chuckled. "I'll probably regret it later."

"Nah. I ignore my brother's advice all the time," Sam said with a grin. "You know, he said I shouldn't go to college. Him and my dad are both hunters, and he wanted me to stick with the family business."

"Hunters?" you said. You were surprised. Sam didn't seem like the hunter type. "So, you guys just... kill animals?"

"Y-Yeah," Sam replied with a slight stutter. "Sorry. I probably made you feel uncomfortable, didn't I?"

You shook your head. "No, Sam... it's fine."

"KIDS! SHUT UP!" the professor yelled at everybody as he walked up to the front of the classroom. Everyone immediately quieted, but you and Sam exchanged smiles one more time before the lecture started.

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