Immortal blood

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            The sun was setting and I knew that something was going to happen. The cold wind was making louder sounds than a burning human. It was screaming like a racid beast and reminding me of an angry werewolf. The wet and cold sand from under my feet began to annoy me. I had to get away from that place. Where the hell was everyone? They left a while ago after we broke down into a cave full of lycanthropes. We killed them all, but as always Aisha had to act like a diva about how she got dirty and the rest followed her.     

            I started running north, following their trail. I've found them near a small lake. "Are you done already?" Felix, one of the strongest guards came to me gave me the rapport. "Almost, we just need to pack everything." Felix was tall and bulky. From what I've heard, he was changed around his 20s 2 thousand years ago. His hair was black and curly, sometimes reminding me of a Hollywood star. He's skin, once with a healthy olive tone, was now white as a dead's one and stretched over his high cheekbones and frozen, rock hard muscles. Just like the rest of us, his looks were completed by blood red eyes and black leather equipment.    

            "Yeah, sure, whatever. Let's just get out of here. I wanna get back before sunrise. The elders will throw a fit if we are caught outside the castle during daylight. Aisha, stop showing off and get ready! You'll have a proper shower home!"

            I don't know why I was starting to get mad, I guess that a few centuries around her would drive anyone to pure madness. "Ai, ai, captain!" Oh, great. Now she was making fun of me.

            "C’mon on grandma, let's get going!" There was no way I was letting her win this. I turned my back to them and started walking into the woods while I was hearing their rustling. Everyone soon joined and we started running at light speed. My team was made out of five of the most powerful vampires alive. Me, Aisha, Felix, Segej and Boris. Sergej and Boris were twins and sometimes extremely disturbing against their age. They were changed in their 30s and you could see the Russian roots from their dark hair, till the monster of bone conformation. At first sight they were frightening, but after 15 minutes you realized that the fact that they were taller then any other mortal and immortal alike and show they put showing their muscles was just one of their stupid games...    Humans believe that we are partially weak beings, that can be burned by only a simple prier. It was a lie, just like many other lies about the human life.         

            Humans must know themselves as the absolute power. Over the time lies were said, words were spread, titles were gained and so my kind became a myth, just like the rest of the ghosts of the past.  

            The wind was blowing in my face and the feeling of freedom was surrounding me. Running and hunting are a few of the little things that helped us show our true nature. It was like nothing else.  

            My comrade’s laugh could be heard from behind me, it was a sound rarely heard from such stern people. It was nice to know that from time to time, I wasn't always the childish one.  We had a few more miles until the fortress we lived in, a few spells could do wonders even in the 21st century, so we could hide our home easy enough. I could feel Felix's electricity getting closer to me. We always had a thing for each other, but kept it casual because of out eldest would find out, they’ll make us mates. Me and Felix liked freedom way too much, to waste it for a silly tradition. Before I knew it he's smell and force were surrounding me. I tried to shove him off, but he'd have none of that. He swept me into he's arms and started running then ever again. The others teasing were lost behind us and right in the moment when I was ready to scream o few obscenities, Felix’s lips were crushing against mine. I swallowed my voice, forgetting even my name. He's name, face, scent was all I could remember.  I held onto him like the world was at it's end and when I started to respond, he chuckling send vibrations to my chest. We were so lost that we didn't realize out destinations was right in front of us. He put me down so we could straighten our clothing. "Ok, that's it! Be nice, at least until we're done with our job!” I didn't want to sound irritated, but it was the only way my concern was making it's way to him...

             “C’mon on babe, I just want a little time with you. Will I see you tonight?” he was almost winning, just like a child, a big child, my big child..."I'll see what I can do." I said touching he's face tenderly. "Let's split, you set things up in your room and make I’ll report to elders. I l... Listen to the gossips and see if we are free tonight." And then he left.      

            “You almost said the truth. I don't know why you're still hiding it. Anyway everyone knows that you two love each other" Aisha's voice surprised me coming from behind. I wanted to deny, but she caught me off guard for the first time in many centuries. It was almost embarrassing. " That's not...", but she cut me off.”Don't eve try to deny it, I might look like I don't care, but I can see when things like this are day clear. Good luck breaking the news to the Masters." I was royally screwed...

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