Wait, What Did You Just Say? (Jungkook x You)

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A/N: I really dont know what I'm doing, but the idea just came to me at 3am and I decided to just go with it. Hope you will enjoy it! Comments are welcomed.

Summary: You wake up on the day of your 21st birthday to find that you are in all the headlines as BTS' Jeon Jungkook alleged girlfriend, confirmed by the man himself. The problem is, you've never even met the guy!

God, what is that shrill annoying sound? You groped around your bedside table, trying to find the source and just make it stop, with eyes still tightly close. You grunt in victory when you found it, which happens to be your damn handphone. You pry one eye open with much difficulty to see the time, 8 am, and grab the damn device.

Who the hell would call so early in the morning?

"Good morning sunshine!" the sound of your best friend's voice filled the air.

"What the hell do you want Jin Hee? And why the hell are you up so early? Didnt you partied just as hard as I did yesterday?" you grumbled. Jin Hee had thrown you a fantastic birthday party at the club last night. In your hazy memory, you are pretty sure she is just as drunk as you were, so how can she be so chirpy right now? Is she still drunk?

"Wow, someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed! Arent you too grumpy for someone who is celebrating her birthday today?"

"Its nothing to do with waking up with which ever side of the bed, its because you woke me up, period," you grumbled again. Seriously, why is she your best friend again? "And you are right. It is my birthday, so can you just let me sleep?!"

"Oh ho, no can do Y/N. You have a lot of explaining to do,"

"What do you mean?" God, what is she on about this early in the morning?

"Look at the article I sent you! How can you keep this from me? We've been friends for years!" Jin Hee cried out.

"Seriously, can you just tell me what nonsense you are talking about and let me go back to sleep?" you groggily ask her. You really just want to go back to the warmth of your blanket. Your head is still dizzy, traces of last night's massive hangover is still prominent.

"Y/N, why didnt you tell me you are Bangtan's Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend?!"

"Seriously Jin Hee. I'm so tired and-" your eyes shot open, the sleepiness and dizziness disappeared in an instance once you process what Jin Hee just said. "Wait, what did you just say?"


"Okay, explain," Jin Hee look up at you once you arrived at the booth she was seated at in your favorite diner. You yawn and take slide in the seat opposite from her.

"Can you just at least let me order first? Its still my birthday you know," you complained.

"Fine," Jin Hee quickly flagged down the waitress and order a stack of pancakes top with strawberries, blueberries, syrup and cream, your usual preference. "Okay, now explain,"

You rolled your eyes. "What if I wanted something else? What if I wanted the toast or the sunny side up or-"

"Y/N. You've been eating the same thing since the first day we came here," Jin Hee, cut you off, looking straight at your face. "The way you are avoiding the issue make me thinks that its actually true! You are, arent you?" she asked with wide eyes.

"I am what?" you turned and smile at the waitress and mouthed a thankyou as she placed your delicious pancakes in front of you, more interested in the food than you annoyed best friend right now. Jin Hee shot you a death glare.

"Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend?" she point to the screen of her phone, where an article with the exact same headline can be seen. You rubbed your temples.

Wait, What Did You Just Say? (Jungkook x You)Where stories live. Discover now