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Once upon a time there were a man and woman who really wanted a child. For a reason unknown the woman become sick, the only cure was in a garden of an evil bitch witch. The man went to the garden and saw what he was looking for, it was a beautiful plant, then something else caught his sight it was this white powder. The man really wanted to see what it was and so he got side-tracked. First he smelled the white powder than he tasted it, after some time a crazy sensation went through his body. What he did not know was that this was called cocaine. Being under the influence of the cocaine the man forgot about the medicine and he rang the doorbell of the evil bitch witch house. She opened the door and found this weird looking man staring at her, she instantly knew he had tried to steal from her. First she gave him the antidote, then she made him promise that in order for him to get an endless supply of medicine he would have to give up their first child. The man reluctantly agreed and went back with the medicine. About 9 months later they got a baby, the man went to the witches house and gave her the baby.

For years nothing happened, Rapunzel lived in a castle tower with one window. Every day the witch would ask "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your golden hair". Now you might think if she's in a tower how can the witch cut her hair, well Rapunzel her hair was real fickling long and strong.

One day a prince heard Rapunzel sing and he instantly fell in love, he watched the witch for some time and also called for Rapunzel. For days they dated in secret from the witch. Rapunzel may have the long hair she had no brains and she accidently told the witch about the prince. The witch put her in solitary and she waited for the prince to come again. When the prince came she threw her hair down so the prince could climb up, what the prince saw was horrifying instead of the lovely but stupid Rapunzel there was this witch with a HUGH zit on her nose, he was so shocked he fell out of the window into a bush with some spikes, and that is how he lost his eye sight. Because he couldn't see he roamed around.

Rapunzel was put back in the tower and heard what had happened to the prince, for years she did not believe the witch. But after some time she got suicidal thoughts, she wrote on the walls KILL YOURSELF, the problem was that there was nothing in the tower to kill herself with, when one night in a dream she saw someone kill himself with a rope, the next morning she made a rope of her hair and put it around her neck, and then she jumped out of the window and that is how Rapunzel committed suicide.

What she does not know that we do is that the night before she committed suicide it was a vision of her dad committing suicide. He committed suicide because his wife still died and he had no children to care for.


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