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It all began with two simple words: "We're moving."

I am furious. Who the hell decides to move right before their daughter's freshman year? I mean it's common, but I don't want to move. Nope. Not one single bit, but we are, as a matter of fact, we're packing today, and we'll be gone by the end of this week.

We're moving to Greenville, a small little town about 45 minutes East from where I live now, Granite City or as we call it, Granite Shitty. It's getting bad here, shootings, drugs, fights, whatever you can think of, we have it. This place is not the ideal city you'd want your daughter living out her life in, so yes I get why we're moving. I'm excited, but I'm nervous. I don't want to make new friends, I don't want to meet new people. I don't know how to even make new friends.

"Adalynn!" My mom shouted from the downstairs part of our apartment adding "You better be packing!"

I roll my eyes and continue packing. I have most of my room packed up besides my messy messy closet. I sit on my bed, looking out the window directly in front of it, silently saying goodbye to the city I grew up in. I look around my room and see all my memories come to life, one by one, different friends with different stories.

My favorite memory was my birthday this year, February 5th, 2016. My 3 closest friends came over that night: Amber, Sarah, and Chloe. My mom left to go to her friends apartment right down the sidewalk, and we all ate pizza and ran around the house. I laugh and shake my head at the memory and continue putting my things in boxes.

Harry's POV

"Fuck!" I yell, pulling on my hair and slamming my phone. Lacey has been getting on my fucking nerves so much lately. Lacey is my girlfriend; we've been off and on for 3 fucking years. Our relationship is not doing good. She recently lost her mom, and I give her as much patience as possible because I know she's hurting, but she makes me feel like shit for no reason.

I text her back replying with an "I'm sorry Lacey." for the 100th time today. She's mad because my phone vibrated when I was on call with her, and I've tried to reassure her it was just my mom 1000 times until I finally just give up. I turn my phone off and put my headset back on, knowing later my phone will be filled with missed calls and texts but I don't give a damn anymore.

I know I'm not happy with her anymore, I've not smiled at the thought of her in months. She's constantly crying and getting mad at me, telling me I'm not enough for her and saying I don't do enough. She gets mad because I play games and sometimes don't answer ever 5 minutes. I'm a loner, I like to play video games and be to myself and chat with my friend Jordan. Video games distracted me when I was at my worst with her and kept me sane. Lacey has changed me for the worst. I used to think I loved her, but I don't believe love truly exists at my age. I love her like a sister, I care for her but she's not who I want to grow old with and do all that romantic sappy shit with. I'm with her because she loves me, I don't want her to hurt herself because I left. With that, I'm stuck here, with her, in this never ending cycle we call love.


I recently wrote this book with the same name and title but a different storyline until I thought of this idea.
Keep reading lovelies. xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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