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"Run! Run as fast as you can and don't look back!" My mother screams at me while shoving me out the door. The sound of helicopters fill the air. Tears streaming down her face as I run away from my home of my entire childhood. "Go, stay safe." My mom waves me away urging me forward. "Come back when it is safe once again my dear." I look back through the window of the kitchen. "But what about Lis?" "She'll be fine, now hurry I can hear them coming." The sound of helicopter blades gets louder. "Run!"

I run towards the forest at the end of my backyard and don't stop running till I'm in the middle of the forest and I can't hear the whirring of the helicopter blades anymore. I rest my hands on my thighs, and take a few deep breaths. I dig around in my satchel and find food to last me a week, enough water for 4 days and a picture of my family. I stroke the faces of my family and then place it carefully back in my bag.

Around me all these sounds emerge from within the forest. I can hear birds chirping and wolves and coyotes howling. Then all of a sudden it stops. Mid howl, mid chirp, everything goes silent and I can hear footsteps. I immediately spring up and start running in the opposite direction the sound is coming from. "Hey! You!" I hear a male voice yell but I keep running and running till I trip over a tree root.

I curl up in a ball and protect my head. Then a figure reaches their right hand out to me, in their left a bow. "Come on. We need to get you as far away from here as possible."

Hi guys!! My name is AJ and this is my first fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment if you liked it or not 💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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