the little beaver

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once apon a time there was a little beaver named lola.Lola was the littlest beaver so she was picked on all the time by the bigger beavers in her day she was crying and this time a fariy came out of one of her tears."Hello I am lucky your fariy friend!"lucky said"Now what is wrong lola?"she asked."W...w...w....well all the other beavers are mean to me because I'm small."

  "Well let me do something about that."she said.and with a sprinkle of farydust she then became the biggest beaver inthe school."Wow I'm the biggest beaver in school!"lola said."Now no one will pick on me now."lola said smiling.The next day everyone made fun of lola for being so big.

   Lola whent and cried and the fary appered and then she made her a normal sized beaver and the next day of school no one made fun of her or ever agin.She also made alot of friends.Some people say you can stil see that fary if your very sad.


                         THE END

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