Chapter 1 - The Dursleys

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Author's Note: My first book in the history of my Wattpad!! I'm so excited and I really hope you like it! New chapters will be uploaded every other day.

DISCLAIMER: I've heard of this thingy called a "disclaimer" which people use to say 'I do not own the characters' and such because people get annoyed when u dont do it which is stupid in my opinion but, oh well. DONT OWN THE CHARACTERS, ONLY THE STORY LINE. DONE. Enjoy!!

The Dursleys

"GET BACK INTO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I DRAG YOU THERE!" Uncle Vernon screamed, spraying his spit all over the boy who lived. Grabbing hold of Harry's hair, he yanked it as hard as he could whilst pulling him up the stairs. He wrenched Harry's door open with such force that he made a big dent in the cream coloured wall, and shoved him roughly into his messy bedroom. The raging Uncle Vernon then slammed the door into Harry's face. Harry slowly walked over to his bed and sat down rubbing his head, which was throbbing and groaned as he heard the sound of the several locks on his door clicking.

"Great." He thought.

Harry POV.

Raging with anger I grabbed random things and shoved them in my trunk. I yanked some clothes out of my wadrobe , and a few stray textbooks lying on my desk. I slammed my trunk shut, grabbed my wand and Hedwig; who started flapping her wings and screeching at the sudden movement, and strided towards my bedroom door. Breathing heavily, I used a non-verball spell to unlock the door, not caring if I got expelled from Hogwarts. I have to get out of here. I ran down the stairs two at a time to meet my purple-faced uncle glaring at me at the bottom of the staircase.

"What are you doing?" He growled.

"Going" I stated shoving past him.

"Going where? You have no-where to go! No-one likes a freak like you!" He screeched his eyes full of pure hatred.

"Going anywhere but here. I'm tired of your shit!" I shouted, opening the door and stepping onto the door step.

"Why you little-! YOU are not going ANYWHERE! Get your arse here now you brat!" He screamed, making a lunge for me. I swiftly dodged it and side stepped further into the front garden pointing my wand inbetween his eyes.

"You can't use that on me you brat, your not aloud to do magic outside of school." He said grinning maliciously.

"Try me." I said smirking. And with that I strided away from Number 4 Privet Drive, Uncle Vernon cursing and waving his fists after me.

Author's Note: My first chapter! Sorry it's short, the next one will be longer promise!!! :)

- PadfootAndProngs xox

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