[1] Maka and Soul's Usual Day - 1 of 5

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I NEED A NEW BOOK COVER. to anyone that can withstand this thick face of mine, please oh please, I beg of you, give me a new book cover. message me anytime, I don't sleep at all.


3 years after the defeat of the Kishin, Asura..

The members of Spartoi had already graduated and now have lives of their own. One turned into a Shinigami, some stayed at the Academy to teach, some turned into Death Weapons, and others got jobs and left Death City.

But before we get there, let's take a look at the present lives of a specific group of 3 Meisters and their weapons..

A day in the lives of Maka Albarn, the 'Teacher's Assistant',

Soul 'Eater' Evans, the 'Last Death Sytche',

Black*Star, the Gym Instructor,

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Black*Star's Partner in crime,

Death the Kid, the new Shinigami and 'principal' of the DWMA

Elizabeth Thompson, a Death Gun

And last but not the least, Patricia Thompson, another Death Gun

Now that we're done with the Introduction, let's get on with the Prolouge.

-Maka and Soul's Usual Day-

6:00 A.M.

I woke up.

I mean, It's usual for me to wake up at this time because of school, So don't worry.

I looked around the room, my eyes still blurry. After a few minutes of getting lost in a stream of thoughts, I got up, took a shower, put on some clothes and fixed my hair. You know, the usual procedure, except this time, I wasn't wearing the usual long black cape and plaid skirt, no. I was a teacher now- err kind of, so I changed my clothing style.

I put on a white blouse with a long black collar, a red tie, and a black skirt

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I put on a white blouse with a long black collar, a red tie, and a black skirt. Normally, my skirt and collar wouod be blue, but they were in the laundry today. So I'm just wearing black.

'Beep! Beep!', my alarm clock roared. My hand reached over to turn it off as I've finished my daily necessities, waking up 15 minutes earlier than needed. Besides the alarm clock was where I layed my calendar, warning me of my soon-to-be 18th birthday that was coming up in a few months.

I grinned, 'Finally, I can become a full time teacher at the DWMA. Just gotta wait a few more months.'

As soon as I graduated from the Academy, I immediately thought of staying and becoming a teacher at it. It was the perfect job for me, to be sharing my knowledge to young meisters that reminded me of myself when I was still studying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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