Love Cursed❤

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In the dark of night, the temple of Castelobruxo school sleeps. Students who board there are now home for the holidays, while those with families living in the town below reside in their houses, or vacation away.

At the base of the ancient ruins however, in the halls containing the offices of teachers, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is still seated at her desk.

The room is lit by melting candles floating around the room, but Florencia Velasquez spares them no attention as they drip wax to the floor.

In front of her, seven rune-carved stones levitate just above her desk surface in a circle. Each carving is alight; yellow, pink, red, green, orange, blue and purple. 

"Accipere Anima."

With a wave of her wand, the glyphs glow bright, before forming a pool of pink liquid within their circle. 

The witch smiles over the success, after so many failures. Without wasting any time she picks up the other items on her desk that are a part of the spell.

A lock of her daughter Atari's hair goes in first. The green, orange and yellow carvings turn white. Following it is a small vial of Amortentia. The scent of the ocean rises to her nose as she unscrews the cap. It makes her think of her late husband.

When she tips it in, smokey hearts rise up and pop gently. The red, blue and purple carvings fade to white as well. 

Last, the item which was most emotionally taxing to take from her youngest. Whilst she and her daughters have many items connecting them to their father, the Water Nymph ring given to Atari by her father's family holds a deeper significance.

Taking it from her and replacing it with a fake that has no magic was the hardest thing Florencia has had to do so far in her quest.

Once she drops it in the swirling liquid, it disintegrates, the air of a Nymph's scream breathing through the room. It's a crushing noise, but she disregards it because the spell is complete.

The last carving, pink, turns to white. The liquid begins to bubble and in it an image rises to the surface. Finally, her questions will be answered and she may pursue her goal.

A handsome, pale boy with red hair reaching the base of his neck. Young, perhaps the same age as Atari. He is clad in Hogwarts robes with red accents. A Gryffindor of the English school.

In the few seconds it shows to her, the next step in the Witches plan forms in her mind. As soon as the stones collapse, the used magic liquid splashing over her desk, she launches herself over to the other table in the room.

With hands instead of magic, she hastily shuffles through the many papers there until one piece of parchment with English writing on it is uncovered like a pearl in swine.

A job offer from Dumbledore for the much discussed Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position.

Everything would come together perfectly.


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7 Song Story Playlist

•Love On The Brain - Rihanna

•Madness - Ruelle

•Talk Is Cheap - Chet Faker

•Soldier - Fleurie

•Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya

•Moonlight - Ariana Grande

•Hide And Seek - Imogen Heap

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I do not own Bill Weasley or any characters or plotlines associated with Harry Potter. I do however own Atari Velasquez and all original characters in this book, the plot and the concepts. Do not copyright or measures shall be taken to remove the stolen story on any platform used, as well as account removal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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