i | campbell

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alana's pov

thursday, october 25, 2018

oxford university

2.00 p.m.

It's my daily routine after a series of classes. Sitting under a tree inside the Oxford University's Botanic Garden, my stress-relief after lectures. Writing poems in my yellow journal and fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra can be heard from my old walkman.

I was wearing the same old striped t-shirt and brown jeans that day. Along with a long knit beige cardigan and a pair of white sneakers. 

And then suddenly, he showed up.

"Hey, Alana!" he said, waving and standing in front of me.

I took off my headphone and furrowed my eyebrows for his face seems familiar.

But who is he?

I take a look at his face. And his fuzzy brunette hair. And those shimmering hazel eyes. It's such a beautiful pair of honey pool eyes.

And then it hits me.

He chuckled, "It's okay if you don't remember me. I mean, it's been a while." he said while taking a seat in front of me.

I smiled. "No, I remember you." I answered.

"Hello too, Jacen. And, yep, it's been a while."

We stared at each other as I am completely lost in those dazzling hazel eyes. I nervously tidy up my poetry journal and walkman while he is still sitting there, smiling at me.

Jacen and I were in the same school back in my hometown, London. But he moved away with his mother during our senior year. He was my best friend and somehow, my first love.

But I never told him about it.

I mean, I was just some ordinary girl, who loved to get lost in young adult novels and jazz music. I was on top of my English class and played in the girl's lacrosse team. That's all.

While he was the boy's lacrosse team captain and the center of attention in school. He hates math so badly but he is our science teacher's favourite student. Nevertheless, he listens to rock music and adores Queen, The Beatles, Nirvana, and The Rolling Stones.

And we were only close in the first place because we both love the Star Wars universe.

I used to call him jacen solo because his name is the same as Han Solo and Leia's son. The character is also known as Darth Caedus, which is exactly why I liked to tease him about it back in our high school days.

And he liked to call me, queen padmé.

"It's because your last name is the same as Padmé's," he said that day, as he messed up my hair.

I laughed, "It probably means that we are meant to be a huge fan of Star Wars."

Even though on the inside I said and I wish I should've said it, "Perhaps it means that we are meant to be more than just friends. Don't you think?"

Well, some people pointed out that we're perfect for each other but from my point of view, it still feels like we're on the opposite side and it won't ever work out.

So, I never told him about it and hid my feelings away. Even until he moved away from London and I've never seen or heard from him ever since.

It really did break my heart as the regret feels like it has swallowed me alive.

"So, how are you? It seems that we're in the same university now." he said.

"Well, as you can see, I'm good. But still, you've missed graduation and the whole-week party." I teased. 

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