Papa's prince

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"Papa!" The little brown haired girl exclaimed as her 'papa' walked through the door.

"Hello my little princess, were you good for your grandparents" Kirishima asked fondly, lifting the little girl.

"Yes! I was very good, I even helped grandma cook dinner" the six year old beamed happily, begining to chatter away as her father carried her to the kitchen.

"Thats a good girl. Though I recall your grandmother telling me a certain little girl wanted cookies before dinner, do you know who that little girl is" the handsome chief-in-editor asked his daughter who smiled sheepishly and hid her face in his shirt.

"It was me" the girl answered, sounding a bit muffled.

"Tsk, tsk. You know cookies are bad for you, especially for your teeth" the handsome father 'scolded' lightly. "But....since your grandmother isn't here to scold us, I guess we can eat some while watching a movie" Kirishima stated, instantly making the girl in his arms perk up.

"Really Papa?" The girl asked excitedly, showing off her award winning smile, something the father and daughter shared.

"Hai! But my princess must go put her pj's on first and bring one of her friends" the father stated, referring to his daughters stuffed animals. The father recalled one day when he had walked into his daughter's room and accidentally stepped on one of her stuffed animals, the girl had thrown an adorable fit saying that her papa must apologize to her friend.

"Kay" the little girl wiggled until Kirishima set her down, taking off running into her room.

Not even ten minutes later and his daughter had returned in the cutest set of pajamas with a stuffed animal tucked tightly underneath her arm. She had an adorable blush splayed across her features as she ran up to her father.

"Is my princess ready for movie night" the hazel eyed man asked sweetly, leaning down so he could give his daughter a piggy-back ride. "Yes" the little girl squealed excitedly, hurriedly climbing onto her fathers back.

"Well then lets go" Kirishima exclaimed, making sure he had a tight hold on his daughter before running to his room. The father smiled as he heard Hiyori laugh and giggle at his antics.

. . . .
"Here we are" Kirishima announced, setting his daughter down on the bed, smiling softly as she snuggled under the covers. "Which movie would you like to see tonight?"

"Uhm" the little girls nose scrunched up a bit as she thought "one with princesses" she finally announced, kicking her feet in excitement.

"Alright, alright" the handsome father chuckled, grabbing a random princess movie and popping it into the player. Making his way towards the bed and plopping down next to his daughter who instantly snuggled against him, resting her head on his lap.

The girls face immediately lit up as the movie started playing, becoming even more excited as her father handed her a cookie.

"Remember you can't tell your grandmother about this, alright Hiyo" the father said, giving his daughter a playful yet stern look.

"Pinky promise" the little brown haired girl nodded her head, extending her hand and holding out her pinky. Which the father gladly took, wrapping his own finger around the smaller one.

The father yawned halfway through the movie, feeling the effect of work catching up on him. But he knew he couldn't fall asleep, today was Hiyo's night to stay up and do whatever she wanted, he wouldn't jeopardize that.

"Papa" the little girl stated in a shy, hesitant voice. Making the father become alert. It wasn't often that his daughter spoke that way, she was usually a very out-going girl and said whatever was on her mind in a confident voice, like her father.

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