bumped love

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This story is about a shy girl and a popular boy. The story begins at there way to school.

A girl was walking to school, then all of a sudden she bumped in to a boy. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know where I was walking." said the girl. "It's ok." said the boy. The girl looked at the boy and blushed. "I need to go now or else I will be late for school" the girl said that and ran of to school. The boy was walking slowly to school. The girl arrived at her school and goes in to the classroom. "Hey Mia" the girl waved at her friend and sat next to her. "Hey Molly" said Mia. Class started and the teacher said all there names and said one name three times. Teacher:" Danny, Danny? Is Danny here?". Just expected Danny in the class. "That's already the fifth time this week." said Molly to Mia. Then the door opens and Danny walked in. "If you speak if the devil" said Mia to Molly. All the girls in class looked at Danny. "Oh no, here we go again" said Molly and Mia on the same time. Teacher said angry to Danny:"You're late Danny! Now take a seat!" Danny rolled his eyes and said:"I know I'm late!" Danny walked to the seat next to Molly. Molly sighed and the teacher started the lesson. Molly listened to the teacher, then Danny looked at Molly. "Hey weren't you the girl from this morning?" said Danny to her. Molly rolled her eyes and ignored him. The school bell ringed and everyone in class grabbed their lunch and started talking. Then Danny walked to Molly and said:"Hey weren't you the girl from this morning?". Molly answered Danny:" I don't know.". She turned around and looked at Danny. She blushed and looked away. Danny said to her:"so you don't know.". "Yea, I don't know."said Molly. A girl walked to Danny and said to him:"hey Danny.". She looked annoyed to Molly and kissed Danny's cheek. Molly rolled her eyes again and thought whatever. Molly started eating her lunch with Mia. When that girl who was also popular was hanging around Danny. "So Mia anything new, maybe?" said Molly to her. "no, not really. What about you?" said Mia. "Me neither" answered Molly her. They both sighed. "What now?" said Mia. "I don't know" said Molly. Danny started walking to Molly and left the other girl. "Hey! What are you going to do?" said the girl. "Can't you just leave me for like an hour or something!" said Danny kinda annoyed. "I'm sorry." said the girl. Danny walked further to Molly who was talking to Mia."Molly look to the left, Danny is coming over here." said Mia to her. "Yay." said Molly with a deep sighed. "I know it for sure! you are that girl from this morning." said Danny to Molly. "Yea, so what?" said Molly to him. "well..." he said and he started whispering: "you are kinda cute.". Molly started blushing and said:"W-well y-you are annoying.". Danny looked at her and gave a small kiss on her cheek. Molly slabbed him "Leave me alone!"she said. "Spicy, I like that." he smiled when he said that and walked away. Molly standed up and walked away "Molly wait!" said Mia to her when she ran after her. She was lucky school was just over. Molly got tears in her eyes and sat down on a bench. "Molly you ok?" said Mia to her. "yea, I'm ok" tears float of her cheeks when she said that. "don't lie to me." said Mia to her. "ok, well he, he kissed me on the cheek. Why did he do that!?" said Molly with an angry but also a sad voice. "let's go home, ok?" said Mia to Molly. "ok" said Molly when she standed up.

Five minutes later they arrived at their home. They were neighbours so it was not so much trouble to stop and say goodbye.

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