Yummy In My Tummy

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It's been a few months since Pennywise and Babadook started dating. They have never been on a date together since they've both been busy with they're own things. Like, killing because well they're serial killers or something like that? Okay, back to the story.

Pennywise decided that he wanted to get a little closer with Babadook. I guess you could say they rarely talked because well, yeah they were busy with they're "own things", but they still loved each other the same as they did when they first started dating.

Pennywise had decided that he wanted to go on an actual date with Babadook so he left a note saying to meet him in the woods at 6:00 PM.

Babadook saw the note and eagerly waited for it to be 6:00. He wondered why Pennywise wanted to meet him. He wanted to know so badly. He just REALLY wanted to know. But he had to wait.

[uh time skip to 6:00 pm because poor babadook]

It was finally 6:00 and Babadook was excited to see Pennywise. He used his magical powers or something like that to like teleport or something because we're not going to write a whole walking trip to the woods.

Babadook looked around but Pennywise wasn't there??


"Ahh, I'm so scared." Babadook said sarcastically.

"Hehehe" Pennywise giggled.

"So, why did you ask me to come here?" Babadook asked curiously.

"Uh...well..." Pennywise started blushing madly just at the thought of asking him on a date. "I wanted to ask if you...wanted to go on a date? Y'know? So we could at least talk a little more."

Babadook was babashook. "Yes, of course!"

This just felt like Pennywise was asking to start a new relationship.

"I know exactly where to go." Babadook said as he grabbed Pennywise's hand.

[uh time skip once again because idk what im doing with my life]

They arrived at McDonald's.

"What is this place?" Pennywise asked.

"It's a place where humans eat. I heard they have really good food." Babadook said.

"Oh, alrighty then." Pennywise said. They walked in and of course, they did catch a lot of stares.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" Pennywise yelled at some random dude that was staring.

Pennywise ate everybody because humans are yummy.

"Yeah, they do have really good food here." Pennywise said as he was eating someone's leg.

"That's not what I meant, but okay." Babadook said, questioning life at the moment.

But in the end they loved each other very much.

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