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today was the day. today we were getting back our AP literature finals and i was more nervous than ever. the thing is, holding the number one spot on the GPA standings really does put a lot of pressure on me. ive held the number one spot all year long and i'm not going to lose it now.

"class, i have to say, i'm very impressed with the results on this final," my literature teacher says as she passes back tests. i sit still, waiting to receive mine. she passes by my desk and stops, holding a test in her hand. i feel my heart beating like crazy, awaiting what was to come. she is about to hand me my test when she pauses and smiles.

"i'd like to say congratulations to aurora parker for getting the second highest grade on this final, with a grade of 98," my teacher says, handing me my test. the class claps, hints of jealousy on their faces. my cheeks turn rosy pink as i glance over my test, and sure enough, i got a 98. who could have possibly scored higher?

"and with the highest score in the class, with a 99, shawn mendes!" my teacher announces. i feel my jaw clench as i turn around to see shawn mendes, sitting in the back of the room, grinning at me. i roll my eyes and angrily turn back around, crossing my arms. of course it was shawn, it's always shawn.

shawn and i have been rivals for god knows how long. ever since ninth grade when he decided to challenge me in our AP global class we have been neck and neck. okay, i'll give it to him, he's super smart, but it doesn't mean he's better than me. and here we are now, junior year, and we are still neck and neck. shawn is only .2 points below me in terms of GPA. i have a 4.67 and he has a 4.65, so any little slip up on my part can cost me my position.


after class i go to my locker because literature is my last class of the day. i open my locker, grabbing my AP calculus textbook and placing it in my bag.

"do you really need that huge textbook?" says a voice behind me. i jump up a bit, a little startled. i turn around and see no other than shawn mendes, leaning on the locker to my side. i give him an annoyed look.

"yes, actually, i do. we have a test tomorrow and there's no way you're getting a higher grade than me again," i reply. i slam my locker closed and turn around to face him. he's around a head taller than me so i have to look up a bit when we speak. he sighs, looking at the ground.

"aurora, aurora, what are you doing with your life?" he asks, but i know he doesn't want an answer. i answer him anyways.

"besides beating you, i'm apart of the four different clubs and one of the top dancers in this school." i give him a small arrogant smile, like i know my life is perfect. i mean cmon, try to tell me it isn't.

"wow, sounds so impressive," he says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. i don't care what he thinks because i'm still the best and i know it. i'm about to reply to his remark when he continues, "oh yeah, i forgot you were a ballerina." with that, he does a mini twirl. i roll my eyes and shake my head.

"yes, i am a ballerina. one of the best in the school," i respond. "in case you didn't know, upstate academy is one of the best schools in new york and is highly competitive." shawn rolls his eyes to that.

"yes, i'm very aware at how competitive this school is, trust me." i don't even know why i'm talking to him right now, he clearly doesn't understand how lucky he is to have the opportunities he does.

"why do you even go here, it's obvious you don't like it," i question. he looks up now, into my eyes. his eyes are a chocolate brown color and so is his somewhat curly hair. his eyes changed to hazel sometimes. if i didn't hate him i would say he wasn't the worst looking.

"well, my family is rich and decided it would be a great idea to spend 20,000 dollars a year on my education," shawn replies, a hint of annoyance in his voice. how could he be like that? this school offers an amazing education and perks.

"yes, i know you're family is rich. the mendes family is the top donator to this school," i mutter. my parents aren't the most wealthy, but we are comfortable. we are an upper middle class family but a lot of the money my parents make go into my older sister's expensive college tuition.

"hey, i didn't ask to be rich. besides, your sister goes to columbia, you know how much that costs?" he says, his voice raising a little. i glare at him. how dare he bring my sister into this.

"yes i do know how much that costs because i work an extra job to help pay off my own upstate academy tuition unlike your spoiled ass!" i yell. some people walking past look at me kind of weirdly, but i don't care. shawn's eyes widen and he looks sort of taken back, like he didn't mean for me to get to angry. i glance down at my watch. it was 4:00pm on the dot. school ended thirty minutes ago and instead of studying i'm arguing with this doofus.

"hey look i didn't know—" i cut him off,

"i don't have time for your bullshit," and with that i turn around and walk away. i feel a little bad for walking away, knowing he was trying to apologize, but he deserves it. i sigh and find my way to the door and wait for my mom to pick me up. i take out my AP calculus textbook and start studying because there's no way i'm letting shawn mendes get a higher grade than me this time.

hi guys!! i really hope you all enjoy this book!! ive been prewriting for a week now and im super excited to publish it :) let me know what you think!
— jordan xoxo

[ may 23rd, 2018 ]
[ word count: 1084 ]

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