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                            --------- > be the angry one staring a new year off wrong

 you're name is karkat vantas and you are already so f*cking done with the school year and its just f*cking started you're best friend is in the car waiting for your sister to get ready you yell at her "GOD DAMN IT NEPETA IF YOU DONT READY IN THE NEXT FIVE SECONDS KANAYA AND I ARE LEAVING WITH OUT YOU" you hear her squeak and respond to you "im looking for my hat karkitty" oh sh*t you walk into her room and you lower your tone of voice not something you do often "you lost your hat" she nods wordlessly. sh*t f*ck sh*t you know she doesnt go anywhere without that hat you start helping her look and of course you find it in a matter of seconds "found it f*ck*ss" you say the last part jokingly and she smiles at you and puts on her hat "thanks karkitten" you sigh and walk out of her room and toward kanayas car and get in to the passenger side "HEY KANAYA" you say and she smiles at you of course she does shes your best friend nepeta gets in and kanaya starts driving to school you go to skaia high and so do all of your friends yep all 12 of them you arent very popular but niether are most of your friends except maybe vriska but you arent really that close to her but you could say you're friends you start getting lost in thought but are snapped out of it when kanaya taps you on the shoulder "WHAT THE F*CK MARYUM" you say surprised she keeps a calm look on her face used to your swearing and yelling "Well Karkat Rose's Brother Will Be Coming To School Today" oh yeah you forgot about that nepeta pipes up in the back ":33< ive seen pictrues hes totally your type karkitty" you sigh of course nepeta already shipping you with the new kid "shut up lejion work on your love life first" she blushes and looks away. you go back to thinking how will today turn out you have no fucking idea before you know it you're at school you see nepeta get out of the car and basically tackle equius with a hug you sigh and get out of the car and walk toward your friends plus Rose, John, and Jade you wave to them and flip john off for good measure "HEY F*CK*SSES" you see sollux give you a look "hey a22hole. jk jk how are you KK" you sturgle to retain a look of anger "IM F*CKING FINE CAPTOR, WHAT ABOUT YOU?" he smiles "iive BEEn good KK" of f*cking course a bee pun you hear terezi laugh and suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder "hey im dave strider I see you hanging out with my sister and well I was wondering how you know her" you sigh and turn around to met with someone much taller than you but then again who isnt. hes blonde and if you're being honest hes pretty damn handsome with blonde hair you would love to run your hands through it looks so soft "SHES DATING MY BEST FRIEND F*CK*SS" he looks down at you "oh uh sorry man you're pretty loud" you sigh and walk away of course  hes an *sshole. you get to your first class and look whos sitting beside you mister fucking shades himself you sigh "hey I never got your name dude" you listen to his voice its not bad its calm and f*ck you feel your face get hot you just flip him off because you know youd come off as acutely enjoying his presence if you said something he sighs "FINE ITS KARKAT" you can hear him fight off a chuckle and that look on his face is just sh*t you feel your face getting hot again "you seem like a pretty okay guy ive heard some sh*t from rose and you seem cool I wanna get to know you" ugh why you of all people he could just not talk to you you'd be perfectly happy with that but no he has to fucking want to talk to you "WHY ME IN JUST AN *SS HAT WHO SWEARS A LOT" he smiles slightly but still keeping a calm face "you're an *sshat who seem interesting as f*ck rose has told me a lot about you and well you acutely seem pretty nice under all that anger" you sigh fuck lalonde and her pyscho anyalizing "uh f*ck yeah sometimes I can be sweet but thats rare to people I dont fucking know"

                                 --------------> be the coolkid talking to the cute guy

your name is dave strider and f*ck yeah you're talking to some really cute guy named karkat youve heard a lot about him from lalonde and you want to know more about him wait ask him for his pester chum "hey do you have pester chum" he sighs "NO BUT I HAVE TROLLIAN AND ITS  carcinoGeneticist" holy sh*t hes the gray text *sshole you've been talking to for years he really is a sweet guy though and more sensitive then you would now if you hadnt talked to him for years "mine is techturnGodhead" there is a look of reliezion in his eyes "oh f*ck" this is the same guy who you had a crush on for years but never thought you would meet IRL so this is great but you know karkat doesnt have a crush on you he couldn't in your mind hes too prefect  for you at least but uh damn you didnt have a clue he was this cute pale skin ginger hair a big hoodie that looks adorable on him with a cancer sign on it "CG?" you say he just nods god this cant be f*cking happening no way you dont believe it but you keep a stoic look on your face like your bro taught you. you hear rose laugh in the background she knew the b*tch and she didnt prepare you "well I guess I know you better then I thought" he smiles at you your heart melts but youd never show it you're dave strider a stoic prick  no way are you showing that you have a crush on him nope you arent f*cking going to do it then the teacher walks in shit you never reliesed how early you were to class she just gets out a paper and says attendance as you didnt relies but the rest of the class is here she calls your name "yo" you say and go back to your paper "we're going to set up partner for the rest of the year yes we know its strange but let me list them off vantas you are partnered with strider" she continued but you were so surprised that you were partnered with him you just want to wrap your arms around his small frame f*ck stop thinking about it dave you are happy just on the inside you wont show it on the outside though you know him well you want to know him better is that bad. you know your brother dirk always wants to get to know his boyfriend better so you know you can always get to know someone better then for some reason you start thinking about apple juice for some unholy reason and you want some of course you do but then you think about irony and how most things are ironic and that you need to cool it down and keep being cool so you adjust your shades and get a more stoic look yeah thats good keep being stoic cause thats all you know 

                                                      -------> be karkat vantas


NOPE "what a coincidence I never thought id meet the CG" he is an idiot you sigh "yeah I didnt think id meet you either but here we f*cking are" you try to add venom to you voice but you cant you cant be mad at this *sshat at least not right now damn it you hate this you hate it so much "woah trying to be mean there karkles" he did not just call you that "go f*ck yourself strider" you see he isnt phased until the teacher just kind of looks at you disapproving  you laugh "they gave up on saving me my first week here" he laughs your heart flutters dont show it vantas dont f*cking do it and you failed you feel your face get hot really holy shit you adjust your hoodie god please kill me now "I was in detention everyday for a week though because I just wouldnt stop swearing" he looks towards you "so im sitting with my sister do you usually sit with her or" once again you sigh the poor idiot "she sits with us f*ck*ss again dating my best f*cking friend" speaking of which you havent seen your old best friend around you guys arent as close as you used to be but you still care about the guy but if he ever goes sober again hes going to jail terezi told you shed make sure of that but right now hes probably with tavros having sloopy makeouts or whatever you laugh that phrase dave looks at you "why are you laughing" you sigh there is no way in hell youd tell him about gamzee you two are close but not that close you think about how gamzee would always say the most stupid sh*t ever you laugh more "just an inside joke you wouldnt get it f*ck*ss" he sighs disappointed? you think but you really have no clue but you think he is disappointed but you have no clue he shows no a f*cking moition but at the same time he does ugh that was always the wrost about chatting online you would be lost for what he was feeling cause he was being ironic irony is fucking stupid dont even get you started on how stupid irony is but you tolerate it like you tolerate nepeta roleplay. the bell rings and class is done and youve never wanted to scream but smile at the same time you walk out and dave follows you and all you have to say is f*ck you strider for making me feel this way f*ck you strider but none the less you see sollux and walk over to him "2up" he smirks that classic smirk "you have computers after this right captor?" he sighs at you "ye2 ii do KK thought you would know thii2 by now gu22 I a22umed two much of you" you flip him off and laugh "FIRST OF ALL I WAS JUST MAKING SURE YOU *SS AND I WAS MAKING SURE BECAUSE STRIDER HAS THAT CLASS NEXT" he gave you a look and stuck out his tounge then looked at dave "ready for a schooliing iin computer2" you sigh 


(hey so I know this isnt great im not great at reletionship building at first if they dont already know each other so I did the whole they talked over online but its true to homestuck any way I still hope you liked this so far also im not super comfortable with swearing but its in character nor am I very good at spelling and constrictive criticism is appreciated )

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