They Find You!

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Quick A/N: So- Please! I wanted to do this! Don't hurt me- also this is on phone so yeaaaaa

Izuku Midoriya:

It was a rainy afternoon, a certain green haired boy sighed as he sat doing his homework. Currently, his mother was in the more nothern part of the country to see an old friend. Izuku huffed and decided to take a break.

He then walked towards to the small kitchen, he began to make a simple sandwich but a large knock on the door made him drop the butter knife. He pursed his lips and got the key, he went and opened the front door- nobody was there.


He furrowed his brows,  about to close the door until he heard a cry. He looked down and gasped. A small child, about only a month old, crying in a basket. By instinct, he picked it up and closed the door with his foot as he walked in.

He placed the basket on the table and grabbed the baby in it. He looked at the child with soft eyes, trying to calm it down. He finally got the child to calm down and started to peer for at least a note- which there wasn't....

Katsuki Bakugou:


The messy haired teen grunted as he continuesly punched the punching bag. Currently, He was at the gym- he needs to let out some steam from the day he's had. He sent the last one with a grunt then huffed, he took note of the time and swung his gym bag on his shoulder and started to head home.

It didn't take him too long, as soon as he got to his door he noticed a weird basket on the door step. Katsuki raised a brow and grabbed the handles then trodded into the house. He swung the basket harshly to the dinning table- ready to get out the gym clothes until he heard a cry.

The young Bakugou walked up to it and carfully opened the lid to see a 3 weeks along baby.....
"WHO THE FUCK LEAVES A BABY ON A STRANGERS DOOR STEP?!?!" He yelled, a cry followed not long after.

Todoroki Shoto:

A half n half boy sighed softly as he strolled back to his house, in his hands were white grocery bags- yes, he just did grocery shopping so what? Anyway- enough breaking the 4th wall and back to the story.

He reached the house and walked in. "I'm home!" He yelled out.... no answer. He sighed and put the bags on the kitchen and went to his room and changed into his pj's then went downstairs. Before he could put the groceries away, a knock sounded from the door. He hummed and went to open the door- something being shoved into his arms.


And like that, nobody was there. He looked down and saw a newborn infant in his arms. He sighed and closed the door. How is he gonna explain this to his family....

Yuga Aoyama:

The sparkling-soon-to-be-hero strutted happily down the street, sparkles floating around his aura like usual. He hummed a soft tune as he walked into the park.

He decided to take a break and sit down on a random bench. He had his usual pointy smile as he gazed into the trees- his peaceful moment was interrupted when a small form suddenly clung to him.

"P-please help me! The evil things are after me!" It cried, Yuga noticed that it was only a small 3 year old. "Don't worry! My special sparkles will scare them away!~" he exclaimed.

Weird shadows started to come close but then we're instantly scared of by the sparkles. He hummed and scratched his cheek, where was the child's parents?
"Hey- Little Darling-" Aoyama started, the 3 year old looking up at him in curiousity. "Where are your parents?"
Aoyama asked.

The girl then smiled and said "They told me that they were just going to get something" then frowning, she continued "but I've been here for long..." She trailed off.

Frowning, Aoyama knew what this meant- picking her up, he gave her a reassuring smile.

Best Jeanist:

A certain denim lord was in his office, he was sketching some new outfit- which would be made out of Denim of course~

He was sketching casually- but messed up when one of his helper people crashed through. His brow twitched, trying to keep his calm demanor.

"SIR! THERE'S A PROBLEM!" He yelled, Jeanist just nodded.. "Bring it in!" The Helper yelled.

Then in walked a 4 year old girl, she showed no emotion and a small tail swishing from side-to-side anxiously. She fidgeted with her hands as she looked down.

Best Jeanist stopped his eyes from widening and then sighed. "What shall we do-" the helper started "I'll keep her under my wing, until we track her parents..." Best Jeanist answered before the helper could finish.

The helper nodded and walked out.

"So tell me about yourself..." He told the small girl.

A/N: That reaches the end of this chapter! I would've done 13 but I need to learn a little more about them.... ANYWAY! I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!!!!

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