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Anne's POV

The performance had ended, the group and I had just performed our new song of the week 'This is Me' which Lettie lead with her soothing yet powerful voice. I walked off the stage as the audience filed out, all still buzzing with excitement from what they had just witnessed.

As I was walking away I caught Phillip looking at me from where he was stood, next to P.T. by the entrance, thanking the crowd for coming and watching "The Greatest Show on Earth". I stared back, keeping a serious yet mysterious expression on my face. I wanted him to know I was mad at him, although as I looked at him, he seemed hurt and had a regretful look. I felt my face start to soften but before he could see I turned away and disappeared backstage.

I sat down at my vanity I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Come on Anne contain yourself, I told myself, reaching up to my head and removing the pins that held my candyfloss pink wig in place. I heard a floorboard creak and i opened my eyes to see Phillip looking at me through the mirror. He was standing behind me. I didn't let his presence distract me so I carried on removing the wig.

"Look Anne, I shouldn't have done that. I- I just- It was stupid I shouldn't have ruined it. Its just that when I saw my parents I freaked out and just let go and froze, as if someone had hit my reset button. But the thing is I'm not afraid of what my parents think or what other people think," at this point Anne had finished taking out all the pins and removed the wig, releasing her naturals curls from the braids they were tamed by. "I like you and I don't want to hide that. I honestly am really sorry and i just hope that you ca-"

"I don't mean to interrupt you Mr Carlyle but i can't reach my zipper, do you mind?" I asked seductively. I hadn't ignored everything he said, in fact I had listened to every word.

"Uh yeah sure" he replied a little startled.

I got up from my seat and stepped towards him. I turned my body, back facing him and said no more. I grabbed my hair and swooped it over my left shoulder. I felt the warmth of Phillips hand on my skin as he started to pull down the zipper and he spoke again. "Anne I think that I may be- No I know that I'm in lo-"

I spun around and pulled his face to mine, pressing my lips to his, silencing him. After about 2 seconds, when the initial shock wore off, he began to kiss me back. The kiss deepened and became filled with passion and lust. Phillip began moving forward as I went backwards, our lips moving in sync, never parting. I was brought to a halt when I hit my vanity but quickly and swiftly, as if planned, Phillip lifted me slightly placing me onto it so my legs were straddling him. It was the best and worst feeling, this was our first kiss but it was filled with anger and sadness and desire. Oh how I desired to be with him and to have him whenever I wanted. But it can never work I told myself. I slid off the vanity and slowed down the kiss pulling myself away.

"Goodnight, Mr Carlyle."
He looked disoriented as I slowly backed off and walked away into the dark halls. Strutting off, I could feel his eyes burning into the exposed part of my back that had been revealed by the opened zipper. I didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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