Beginning of the end

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Luca POV-

That is literally the only thing that comes to mind in this situation. Just shit, fuck, i seriously fucked up.
Yea yea i know, not exactly the best way to introduce myself is it? Well hi, my name is Luca. I'm 23, 5,8 with black and purple hair (half shaved,) ocean blue eyes, a skater boy look and slightly muscled.
Now that we have that sorted i should probably explain what that was about earlier. Well to put it simply, i'm dying. Bleeding out in a bathtub to be specific.
Now i know that you'er thinking and no, I didn't cut myself. I stopped that a year an a half ago. It just so happens that my incredibly clumsy ass had slipped while getting out of the shower and hit my head on the shower head and passed out for a second only to wake up to myself bleeding out and the water around me turning completely red!
You can imagine my panic.
Pfft, just kiddin, i'm actually pretty calm. This is actually ideal apart from the extreme fuckin throb in my skull as i slowly bleed to death.
However, turns out I didn't have to deal with it for much longer. I closed my eyes thinking i was just gonna blink an when i open them again it seems like I transported to some fancy ass cinema. I look around, thoroughly confused, only to find a group of people standing 20 feet in front of me, all with a similar look. All clapping slowly. I'm so confused.
"Sooooo, what the hell is this and why am i here?" Smooth Luca, nice one.
I don't get an answer to my question straight away. Instead, a middle aged man with black hair, laughing lines and a style similar to mine comes forward an says, "you fell in the shower. Seriously?!"
Ok. Now i'm completely confused. How did he know that?
"Lucas, don't confuse him even more. You where confused when you first got here to yet we didn't mock you since you died falling out of a tree did we?" A slightly older but with an army suit on said.
The middle ages guy, Lucas? Grumbled stepping back into the back of the group to the sound of a few others sniggering at him.
"Not that i didn't appreciate that but what exactly am i doing here? Who are you guys?" I repeated.
"Well Luca, we are you. Well your past you's anyway. Welcome to the cinema of the deceased. Please don't start a fight with any of us, you can never leave and i would rather not spend eternity listening to pointless squabbling." The older guy said.
I felt my jaw go slack an then everything faded to black as i passed out yet again. Smooth Luca. Real smooth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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