Lipstick stained cigarette butts

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Donghyuck's POV

Fucking kids. Fucking adults. Fucking People. 

Slammed against a bathroom stall and kneed in the gut..nothing new I suppose. But the real pain is the pain in which I inflict on myself afterwards. Usually a cigarette to the skin or a cut to my thighs..maybe even my wrists. It's not edgy, I tell you. It's the screams i'm unable to get out. The feelings locked inside. Draped in black, cracked eyeliner, and zip-lock bags of pills in my right- no left boot. 

I take a swing at the kid who's got me pinned, probably breaking his nose. I don't hesitate and continue swinging, pain running through my wrists from pressure running through my hands.

Soon enough..nothing but a blood covered tile floor. So disgusting yet so beautiful. I light a cigarette and place it between my barely parted lips. 

Each puff more unbelievably relieving than the last. That was until I heard light footsteps. I quickly dodged into a stall, dropping the cigarette into the toilet. 

One single slam against the door of my stall and goosebumps were immediately visible on my arms. "Help!" Someone called out, the voice not familiar, Muffled by several familiar voices. My bullies finding a new target. I opened the stall door, easing out carelessly before feeling someone tightly grip my arm. "Where ya going, Emo Faggot?" Their leader mocked. "Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory, Taeyong." I cooed, chuckling after the remark.  

The new victim was quite..cute, I would call him. He wore a simple large black jumper, a pair of tight black shorts, and a simple pair of large glasses. My eyes drifted to his converse. I liked him. Oh god damn, I liked him.

"Ah, Fuck off Taeyong. No one wants you here, man" I said smirking. He grabbed the collar of my hoodie, pulling my pack of cigs and lighter out of my pocket. He took one out, lighting it quickly. "How do you like this, you emo bitch-" He asked, interrupted by his crude action. I winced, followed by a scream in pain as he dug the cigarette deeper and deeper into my skin, waiting till it was nearly gone. 

The previous victim took action, full blown kicking Taeyong in the side. He fell over, obviously damaged. I fell to my knees, staring at the deep burn loitering my skin. 

The upperclassman took my hand, dragging me out of the bathroom and into a storage closet. "Let me see it." He demanded. I cocked an eyebrow, somehow confused. "The b-burn.." He insisted hesitantly. I placed my arm in his hands, my hand dangling. "You need to see a nurse-" He was cut off, his gaze wondering to my other burn scars and previous or non previous cuts. "oh my god..." His eyes were glassy as if he had just watched his own dog being ran over by a car. "God isn't real, Kid." I added, turning and walking out, disappearing without a word.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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