In Light of Developments

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(Note: At the time it was two writers, now it is only one. And, being that as the writer, I'm entitled to what I will, and won't write.)

Yesterday, I got a message regarding my FrostIron Oneshots. As you know, I have a pre-story message which is basically just a little list of a few things I will and won't do, Thorki is one of them as I regard Thorki as an incestuous relationship between two siblings. Now, some regard them not as siblings due to Loki being non Asgardian. Well, the last time I checked he was raised Asgardian and was raised by Odin and Frigga, and brother to Thor and Hela. Being the adopted sibling of someone, doesn't make you any less their sibling than someone of blood relation. The ignorance behind the statement is rather insulting to me, because that means you approve of sibling/sibling sexual relations. Just because you're adopted doesn't mean you turn around and have sex with your brother because he isn't your blood relative. So, technically, it is incest. That's why I refuse to write it. If you are, however, someone who likes to read Thor/Loki, be my guest because I'm not in charge of how you live your life, but you will not find that ship here, in my works. I see them as brothers, not sexual partners. If blood had everything to do with family, then many people would be in a really tough spot and some people would have some explaining to do. You're not going to count someone who is abusive, neglectful, etc., as your family, that's not what most people do anyways.

In mythology, within the Poetic and Prose Edda, I could maybe understand that relationship because Loki is actually aware of his Jotun lineage and was raised as a Jotun but was allowed to be within Asgard because of the fact he could change his skin and he fit in rather well with most Asgardians until he ruined it for himself. I wrote these works, as coming from the MCU, not the Mythology. I did take pieces from it, such as Sleipnir, but not enough to discount them as siblings when I wrote from the MCU's standards of these particular characters.

I will ask nicely: Please do not come onto my profile and support incestuous relationships. I'm not just saying this to the Thor/Loki shippers, but to anybody who ships sibling relationships of any type. I'm not the only one who will refuse to write this. It's a stance I've had since I started writing these stories and one I will continue to have. I know I'm not the only person who finds it repulsive. But that is my opinion of which we may differ, and that's fine. But in this little bubble that is my works, I ask that the one rule I've given be respected. If you don't like FrostIron, then please, you don't need to stay for something you don't like, and if you like Thor/Loki then I simply ask that you just keep looking instead of sending little comments trying to change my mind. Just leave if you don't see what you like.

And finally, I do not give a single fuck if I get hate for typing this out. This is my personal truth, and something I stand by and for. I don't have many rules for the things I wrote in the past and, who knows, may write in the future, but don't come into my house and try to make it seem like one ignorant comment will change my stance. "Loki's not Asgardian so technically it's not incest," is a bullshit excuse for something that's incredibly gross, because to me, I see them as brothers, ship them with whoever you want, just not each other, and if you don't like that I didn't pair them up, feel free to write your own content or just kindly move along. I didn't have to put time and effort into writing these, I didn't have to loose sleep, I didn't have to give my time up, didn't have to take recommendations. But I did do it for all of you guys. I did it for the readers who like what I like, and wanted more content for it. So please accept my terms, because there aren't many.

But, if you don't like what's being served at my table, you can excuse yourself, because I'm not going to change my stance and cave on something that means this much to me. You don't have to stay if you don't like the stories I write, you really don't. I don't want you staying if you're unhappy that I refuse to write incest. Because that's what it is: Incest.

Please feel free to respond to this message, if you agree with me or not doesn't matter, but I am entitled to my opinion and the standards I set for myself. If you're not the one creating the content, but instead you just read other works, then you don't need to come and give me or any other content creator SHIT. We owe you nothing. We pour ourselves into these things because we want to satisfy other readers but that doesn't mean I owe you anything for that.

Thank you.


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