Meet the Admins: Snuffles

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Hello everyone! Snuffles here! I'm the creator of this account and it really makes me proud knowing that there are people, even if just a few, who read the content here. Since I'm basic and can't come up for a proper introduction myself, I'm going to ask help from Tumblr.


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1. Sexual Orientation - Asexual, Panromantic (but i'm still questioning myself kinda)

2. Do you smoke - I've done it, but not regularly

3. Do you drink - anything but alcohol

4. Do you take drugs - nope

5. Age you got mistaken for - 14

6. Have tattoos - Nope

7. Want any tattoos - yES

8. Got any piercings - only two classic earring ones

9. Want any piercings - not really

10. Best friend - real life best friend is a girl named Emma

11. Relationship status - single

12. Biggest turn ons - well, being part of the same fandoms as me, and supporting the things I do

13. Biggest turn offs - possessive behavior

14. Favorite Movie - anything marvel

15. I'll love you if... - you but me books

16. Someone I miss - my first internet friend

17. Most traumatic experience - talking someone out of suicide

18. A fact about your personality - I'm a weird mix between a total nerd, and overconfident asshole

19. What I hate most about myself - the fact that I care about others more than myself

20. What I love most about myself - my writing

21. What I want to be when I'm older - a writer

22. My relationship with my siblings - I'm not sure, it's weird

23. My relationship with my parents - It's complicated

24. My idea of a perfect date - in a library, reading and talking about our favorite books and fanfiction ideas

25. My biggest pet peeve - trying to use me for my body

26. A description of the boy/girl I like - well, he's ftm trans, and he goes to my school. He's really cute and ahhh i can't

27. A description of someone I dislike the most - well, she's homophobic and actually tried to reason with me that if I surrounded myself with more guys I'd become straight again. She's very close minded and rolls her eyes at me all the time. I openly talk shit about her at school

28. A reason I've lied to a friend - i wanted to stay at home writing crappy one-shots rather than going to the beach

29. What I hate the most about school - the stereotypes 

30. What does my last text message say - Not sure what it said word by word but it said something like "Well I'm sorry *snaps* schools starts at 8, I couldn't wait any longer"

31. what words upset me the most - "faggot"

32. What words make me the most about myself - what does this question even mean?

33. A wish I've wished for repeatedly on 11:11 - I don't do 11:11

34. What I find attractive in guys/gals/non-binary pals - when they stay true to who they really are, and when they actually take care of me

35. Where I would like to live - Anywhere closer to my best internet friends

36. One of my insecurities - my accent 

37. My childhood career choice - a model. please don't ask. i beg you. i was stupid.

38. My favorite ice cream - a tough choice between bubble gum and cookies and cream

39. Who I wish I could be - umm a person who is more relevant throughout the world because i have so many words to speak but so little people listening

40. Where I want to be right now - somewhere with all my best internet friends, chilling. haha who am i kidding? i probably wont be able to chill if i see all of them... I'd cry and laugh and be so happy it's hard to explain

41. the last thing i ate - melon, it's really good oml

42. Sexiest person who comes to my mind immediately - ahhhh not sure

43. a random fact about anything - the barcode scanner thingy actually scans the white spaces in between the bars, not the bars themselves

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