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In math you called me average... how mean.

But you taught me that sin(gerine) over cos(gerine) equals tan(gerine), so I forgive you!

You did say Pi r squared, but I know pie are round, so that's ok.

We had our ups and down, but I appreciate all the linear advice you gave me.

"Never argue with a 90 degree triangle," you told me. "Their always right."

You helped me with my circles too;

"Too much Pi will give you a large circumference."

Jenny, you helped me get so good at algebra that I could replace an x and even you wouldn't know y.

You must be a total cholesterol level of <200, because your pretty desirable around here!

I'm pretty sure everyone will want to go on an intents trip with you.

And hey, if you decide to raise money for Belize, make sure to use chromosomes because, you know, sex cells.

In Biology you made a few hilarious science puns, but only periodically.

Don't worry about it, my chemistry jokes rarely get a reaction.

You've have done some pretty cool things for me, though.

You got my undivided attention for mitosis!

You showed me that Einstein developed a theory about space, I thought it was about time too!

Before I met you I thought amino acid was just having a bad day.

What I'm trying to say is... you're pretty molecool

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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