MAY 26th

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A girl came running from the outside, scared like never before. I shrugged the thought of something wrong going on as it was Christmas and everybody's supposed to be happy. A little later a man came inside pushed the girl into a corner and started kicking.

The girl with a petite body just stood there, utterly shocked. She was kicked not once but a lot of times by the man I never thought would have.
My sister, my sister who was barely sixteen. My sister who was just figuring her life. My sister who is celebrating her birthday today. My sister who started crying as she tried to avoid those long kicks being given to her.

Nobody tried to stop and I wondered why. My cousins started to laugh and I wondered why. I wondered why the people inside seems to be more than happy to see her suffer that. I wondered why we don't have the man to save us in a moment like this.

The world stopped for a moment at that time, and I started to realize how cruel life can be. My heart went into an agony of pain as I hear her cry and for a second I wished I was a man that I could throw a punch back. " The Hell you touch her" I would say, but I wasn't and that hurts more.

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