
19 1 0

Ah yes, rules. Everybody hates them, but everybody needs them. Read the rules, and we will be fine. Break them more than 3 times, and there will be a problem. You get a warning the second time, so I hope that will be enough to stop the issue.


You may swear as much as you would like to. But, I would suggest censoring it such as f*** and s***. I would rather not have to deal with a book being taken down.


You may tag me after 5 hours if I do not respond if my profile reads "active". You may tag every 6 hours for "on and off", and 8 hours for "inactive". Do not spam me, or else I will purposefully not respond for much longer than I would have originally.


No Mary/Gary Sues of any kind of overly depressing/suicidal characters. Your character having depression or other mental disorders is fine, but I will not tolerate your character constantly trying to kill themselves or can't do anything for themselves. I am sorry, but I have to draw the limit somewhere. I've had too many roleplays end with the other character dead from committing suicide, and the other roleplayer assuming my own OC will constantly save them. Don't let this happen to your character please.


I do not roleplay smut. If you enjoy things like that, please kindly go to a different book. The implication of sexual acts, kissing, hugging, slight nudity, and other things of the such are fine. Anything above will be skipped. No exceptions.


As a heads up, many of my roleplays may become dark and gorey unless you specify otherwise. If you are not comfortable with extreme violence or other topics like that, please tell me beforehand.


No One-liners. I will let it slide once or twice, but if it is continuous, I will tell you to look through the rules again before replying. I want at least 2-3 sentences unless there is absolutely nothing for you to add.


This is an individual roleplay, meaning it is just between my character and yours. Do not barge into other roleplays.


Just try to have fun! That is what roleplaying is mostly about anyways.

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