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Love is something everyone looks for. It's like a drug , once you've gotten the taste in your mouth you need more . It's not just a sweet taste either . Sometimes it leaves a taste so bitter your stomach turns at the thought of it . No matter how it taste your mind, your soul, but mostly your heart longes for more . They search everywhere to find it . Addicted. Love is a cruel thing that punches you in the stomach when you least expect it . Never trust anyone with your heart , because no matter what they say the time will come where someone better comes along . And darling trust me they will leave . You'll be left on the floor broken in a million pieces, and no matter how bad they hurt you your heart will run back to them . Your mind will play y'alls memories over and over , and the tears will keep falling . Everyone will tell you there's plenty more people out there , but your heart only beats for him. Your mind thinks of every single detail that makes him perfect. It's funny isn't it? How one person could hurt you so much , but your heart still manages to love them without an end . After awhile whenever your heart loves and loves and loves , soon it will be empty. And that person you were so in love with has left you cold , empty , and destroyed. All for their own happiness. Don't worry you will heal. It's going to take time , a lot of time . Trust me I know . Before you can heal you have to find love for yourself . Not just a little . You have to love every single part . Show everyone that your worth is so much more than ordinary. As woman we struggle with image, personality, self worth , and much more . But what people don't see is how much power a woman holds. The power to love endlessly, fight strongly , and create life. Never take yourself for granted. You are worth everything and so much more !

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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