Silver-Stakes and Strigoi (Vampire Academy Fanfiction)

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Silver-Stakes and Strigoi (Vampire Academy Fanfiction)


Hi, this is my first attempt at a fanfiction. This story is set after Last Sacrifice (book 6 of Vampire Academy) I am reading Bloodlines but as the series is not yet completed I won't be acknowledging it (so sorry no Sydrian). I will be trying to keep the characters as true to themselves as possible but this is my own view on them so sorry it's not perfect. All Characters belong to the amazing author of Vampire Academy Richelle Mead.

Chapter 1

Rose's P.O.V

"That's simply impossible, it breaks tradition"

Oh great here we go again

"The Moroi have strong tradition it is true but this is a small stretch that will better our society"

Lissa is becoming a better queen day by day but I can hear in her voice how tired she is. No need for a bond to see that though.She has been working hard these past few months trying to better life for dhamphirs. I really do appreciate it but I wish she would work on the laws making her rein so...... unstable first

Wow I know what Dimitri would say to that "look at you becoming responsible" and my response "don't insult me comrade". I may hate all the meetings and paperwork but I have Dimitri. I'll make it.

I look at my watch.

11:37 AH! we've been here for like 7 hours!

At this point I'm wishing that my phone would ring so I could grab Lissa and run out of here. I look at her face again. Yep she is holding back yawns.

Buzz buzz

I grab my phone. Incoming call . My prayers have been answered!

"Guardian Hathaway speaking"

"Guardian Rosemarie Hathaway"

"Yes" I keep forgetting that Guardian Hathaway could mean me or my mum.

"Good, I'm Guardian Alcords, Lord Ozera is questioning her majesty's whereabouts"

Grrrr just a check up call

"She is in a meeting with other royal officials on dhamphir rights Guardian Alcords, I assure you she is safe"


I can hear muttering in the background. Broken phrases like "can fine........can't interrupt...... She's taking the call....... Please"

What is....

"Hey Roza, how are you holding up"

Dimitri. Of course Lord Ozera. Christian. Dimitri's Moroi. He must have made Alcords pass the phone. My professional tone dropped

"Surviving I swear if I hear someone say the words inferior or overrated again while talking about dhamphir's i'll forget the whole "they come first" rule"

"Oh Roza"

God I love that accent

"So will you be home on time tonight or should I change the booking for another night"

Oh no. Our date I forgot , if this doesn't wrap up soon i won't make it.

"I'm afraid ladies and gentlemen, I must postpone this conversation for another date as I have other duties to fulfil and we are running grossly overtime"

Thank you Lissa

"I'll be there comrade Lissa's wrapping up the meeting now"

"See you soon Roza"

"Love you"

"I Love you"

I loved that he didn't need to add "too" on at the end and the way he stated it like a well known fact.

Lissa is standing up I better go. I hang up and walk towards her and follow her out of the building.

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