Throwing stones (part 1)

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Chapter 1

It was a hot sticky day in the middle of august. I was seven years old and naturally at the pool; in my favorite pink and orange one-piece bathing suit too-bout. My mother was watching me from her beach towel with the other parents. I was splashing away contently until I saw someone I knew, my friend Samantha. She was one of those girls who are your friend only when they want something from you. Unfortunately, seven-year-old-me hadn't grasped that concept yet .So I called out to her "Samantha!" I exclaimed standing on tippy-toes and waving my arms in an absurd way trying to get her attention. It would prove a useless effort. She hardly looked at me before turning her back and acting as though I had never said her name. I couldn't understand why she hadn't waved back, and then decided she probably hadn't heard me so I got out of the pool and walked towards her. Once I was about a foot away, I decided that she had to be able to hear me now "Hi Samantha! I didn't know you went to this pool ..." I trailed off because it was only now that I noticed who was with Samantha.

Oh no... I thought to myself. I recognized instantly who they were. There were about five of them and they were all about ten years old, they also were the meanest kids in our small elementary school. They terrorized everyone, accept those who they though had "potential". I guess Samantha has potential."Who are you and why are you talking to me?" Samantha demanded coldly. "I'm no one I guess..." I mumbled pathetically. "You got that one right." One laughed, "Did you know that you look like an elephant with those big ears?" , said a girl with a mean smirk. I said nothing "What are you still doing here?" Samantha demanded after a few moments." I don't know." , is the only replay I could manage. I turned on my heels and of course, because I have the worst luck, I tripped. Great job Sloane, now you're dead! I thought to myself as I carefully got up and looked down at my legs. Skinned knees, they started to burn and so did my eyes. They prickled and I was on the verge of crying. I looked out across the pool and see my mother who was now standing, trying to see if I needed her. I did need her, I wanted her to tell me it was going to be ok and that my ears were perfect but then I would die of humiliation. So I just smiled and waved at her, I hoped the act looked genuine. She seemed to buy it and she waved back as she sat down. Suddenly I heard laughter from behind me.

"Smooth move!" the biggest one laughed. "Did your ears throw you off balance?" asked the mean girl. That made them laugh harder, the big one was bent over, and he was laughing so hard, even Samantha was laughing! I couldn't take the humiliation any more I turned to run, and just as I took a step, a tall guy who sort of looked like a turtle pushed me. I went flying into the pool; I didn't even have time to hold my breath. I hit the water with a crash and started to sink. I saw the bottom of the pool, getting closer, my lungs burned, I started to panic, and kick my legs frantically, trying to get back up to the surface. Which way is up?! I thought to myself. I couldn't tell anymore, lights had started to erupt before my terrified eyes, I couldn't see anymore. Why won't anyone save me? I want my mom! Those were my last thoughts as I started to drift towards unconsciousness.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist. They dragged me up, toward the surface. I watched as the sunlight got brighter and brighter. Feeling relief course through me, thinking that I've never loved my mother more than at this moment, and at the same time, hating Samantha because it was her fault I was in this situation. I finally broke through the surface of the pool and I heaved painful lungful of air. It was only now that I noticed something, my savior was wearing swim trunks, and they weren't even the life-guard issued ones! The person was small, a little older than me, with tanned skin, and of skinny build. He now lifted me up and placed me on the edge of the pool, and grasping my shoulders, looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you okay?!" I couldn't answer at first, as was so surprised by how green his eyes were. "I-I-I-I'm f-f-f-fine.", I finally mananged to stutter. "Good." With that he left, swimming away into the crowded shallow end, where I lost sight of him.

Now if I had been a little older, I might have thought that he was cute, and if I was older, I might have wondered why he was so rude to me. However, as I've said before, I was only seven, and being only seven, there was only one thing on my mind, "MOM!!!" I screamed at the top of my soar voice. An instant later, she was by my side. "Where were you baby? I was so scared; you can't disappear on me like that EVER again! Do you understand?", not knowing which of these questions to answer first. I just said "yes" because it seemed like the right thing to say. We left right away after that and didn't come back to the pool for the rest of the summer.


Okay, so for this story, im not sure where im going with it... :P

well i have an idea, but its not concrete at the moment.

anyways, remember to share the love, and if you have any ideas, you can share them too :P

i'll be sure to give you credit, should i use them :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2010 ⏰

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