What happens in Night Class stays in Night Class (TW)

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It was a casual day, well as casual as it could get for a vampire. Senri was just lounging around on a sofa when Kaname strutted in, Takuma right behind carrying what looked like very important documents. Senri perked up at the sight of his boyfriend, however was completely ignored as if he wasn't even there. When the two vampires left, Senri slouched back into the couch like a kitten, sulking. Moments passed and he was still pouting, Rima came in and sat next to the red kitten. "What's up with you?" She asked to the boy who raised his head, "Nothing..." he lied sounding miserable. "Come on I can always tell when something's wrong." Rima retorted concerned for her best friend, she's only know him like this when his father possessed him. "It's just that Takuma is completely ignoring me, am I not good enough for him anymore?" Worry and sobs drowning his voice as he broke down instantly. Rima consoled her friend as his sobs escalated into full on crying. "Hey, hey calm down okay, I'm sure he has a busy schedule or something he wouldn't do it on purpose, you know that." An hour or so later Senri had ran out of tears and was leaning on Rima for support knowing she was right. 'He must have not seen me while he was carrying all of those documents' he thought sincerely. He steadied his breathing with much help from Rima and stumbled to his room leaving his friend worrying.

Once in his and Takuma's room he face planted onto his silk sheets waiting for night to arise. But as his eyes were closing the curse bewitched him, flooding his brain with thoughts.

When night took over, everyone was downstairs conversing, waiting for Senri to arrive so they could go to class. However when 10 minutes passed Senri was nowhere to be seen. Takuma suggested he should see where his boyfriend was, waiting for Kaname to approve. Once Kaname approved, complaining they had lost much time already, Takuma walked up the stairs to their room. What he found was a Senri passed out on the floor blood surrounding him. How had they not smelt it? Rushing to Senri's side he called for help to the vampires on the floor below. As soon as they got there a collection of gasps hovered in the air. Seeing their friend on the floor covered in blood shocked all of them, frozen in place it took awhile to comprehend what had happen. Rima was the first to act upon them rushing forward to her friends aid. Shocking many out of their daze they also rushed to his aid, lifting him onto his bed and trying to find the source of the blood. Takuma still in a daze stared at his broken boyfriend's lifeless form as if it was the only thing in the room. Until finally his silence was noticed, "Ichijo! Get over here and help us!" Kaname shouted at him. Slapping him in the face. Takuma shook his head clearly it and raced towards his boyfriend.

After awhile Senri woke up grogginess surrounded his vision and mind making it unable to think clearly he couldn't remember what happened or why he was in bed when it was night. Trying to get up Senri felt an arm around his waist confining him to the spot, raising his head to look behind him he saw bright blond hair laying peacefully as the owner slept. Trying to break free Senri wiggled unfortunately he woke Takuma up. "Shiki? Are you okay? What happen?" So many questions flew out of Takuma's mouth as he worried for the smaller boy infront of him. "I'm fine Takuma. Just confused..." he replied only answering one of the given questions. Shenri just leaned onto his boyfriend as memories of the day came back to him in a rush suddenly feeling anxious. "You gonna tell me what happened? Or am I just gonna be your pillow?" Takuma asked but his reply was only to be snuggled tightly by Senri. Sighing he knew he shouldn't have asked the last question however true to his word he stopped with the questions and cuddled with his boyfriend until he was fast asleep. Waiting for tomorrow, for he will get the truth out of Senri.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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