Chapter 1

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Max has started a Minecraft world and has invited his friends to join.
[Justin has joined the game]
[Jordan has joined the game]

Max: What's up my dudes?
Jordan: What's up Max?
Max: nm, U?
Jordan: nm, Did you do Mr. John's midterm today?
Max: Yea, u?
Jordan: Yes, do you think you passed?
Max: Yes, I think I got an F+:)
Jordan: oh lol
Justin: Guys we should build a house before it gets dark.
Max: Yes, we should

[Rachael has joined the game]

Rachael: Ok, lets go to bed so we can skip to the morning.
Max: It says that there's monsters nearby.
Jordan: I don't hear any zombies or anything.
Justin: Oh my gosh I just saw something!
Rachael: What?
Justin: I just saw red eyes in the distance about 15 blocks away
Max: I don't see anything
Justin: Wow, it's gone!
Rachael: Are you sure it's not a spider?
Justin: No, it was about 4 blocks tall
Max: That's pretty tall
Justin: I know right! Its creepy
Max: Let's check it out

[Five minutes into the night] (Minecraft nights last 10 minutes)

Rachael: I think we killed all the monsters around the house lets go to bed
Justin: Holy crap, I just heard a something whispering to me!
Jordan: In the game or real life?
Justin: Real life
Jordan: Oh real funny Justin, are you sure it isn't that weird sister of yours?
Justin: No, my sister isn't even home, nobody's home.
Max: #Weird
Jordan: It's probably your imagination
Justin: I don't know man it sounded real

[Minecraft Day 2]
[Rachael falls into the lava pit that placed around the house and dies. Then she respawns at the house.]

Rachael: No!!!, I lost all of my stuff!
Justin: Guys what's going on?
Max: I don't know
Jordan: Is there someone else on the server with us?
Max: I just checked and it's only us four
Jordan: What the heck that's weird
Justin: First the red eyes and now this? Something is up
Rachael: I agree, what is going on?

[The crew builds a bridge. Then Rachael and Jordan go to a nearby village to look for food. While Justin and Max look for a Cave. Justin and Max then find a cave in a mountain. They start to explore.]

Max: Wow!
Justin: What the???
Rachael: What is it?
Max: There's red torches with writing on the wall
Rachael: What does it say?
Max: It says "Your payment will come soon"
Jordan: Payment? What's that supposed to mean?
Rachael: That's messed up
Jordan: Ok, i'm officially creeped out
Justin: Holy crap, something just appeared and disappeared in 3 seconds!
Rachael: Wow
Jordan: You guys lets head back to the house
Rachael; What weapons do we have?
Max: A diamond sword and iron pickaxe
Jordan; 2 stone swords
Justin: I have 2 iron swords
Rachael:All I have is a wooden sword
Jordan: Rachael and I will head back to the house and fortify and craft what we can. Max and Justin look for diamonds and iron in a different cave.
Max: Sounds good to me.

[Rachael and Jordan are back at the house while Max and Justin are in a different cave. It is 3 minutes into the night.]

Rachael: Holy cow! Look outside Jordan!
Jordan: Wow there must be 100 zombies outside
Max: What?
Rachael: There are about 100 zombies outside our house right now.
Max: The lava pit should slow them down right?
Rachael: There's no lava pit anymore
Max: What?
Jordan: There breaking down the door!
Rachael: I'm going to dig to the underground
[Zombies break down the door and start coming in]
Rachael: Come on let's go!
[Rachael and Jordan dig below and cover their path behind them]
Jordan: Ok, I think we are safe for now
Max: We are on our way back
[5 minutes later]
[Max and Justin approach the house]
Justin: Um guys??
Rachael: Yea?
Justin: There's no house or zombies
Rachael: Are you sure your in the correct area?
Max: Yea, our markers are right on top of each other
Jordan: We will dig straight up, give us a second

[a second later]

Rachael: What??
Justin: Exactly!
Jordan: What should we do?
Rachael: Look out fire!!
[fire is raining from the sky]
Max: Oh my God, run!!
Justin; Crap, I got hit!
Rachael: Where do we go?
Justin: Man, I have 4 hearts left!
Max: There's water about 20 blocks ahead
Jordan: Wait, the fire attack stopped
Justin: Wow, guys what is that??

Max: Holy crap!Justin: What is that?Rachael: I don't know![lighting strikes around them in a circle]Rachael: Holy crap![Red torches are placed around the group in a octagon shape]Jordan: What does this mean?Max: I'm not sureJustin: The figure is g...

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Max: Holy crap!
Justin: What is that?
Rachael: I don't know!
[lighting strikes around them in a circle]
Rachael: Holy crap!
[Red torches are placed around the group in a octagon shape]
Jordan: What does this mean?
Max: I'm not sure
Justin: The figure is gone!
Rachael: There's a note
Jordan: It says "Siku"
Max: Is that its name?
Rachael: Maybe
[The group decides to build a one story oak plank shelter nearby]
Max: We should all stick together or close by just incase
Justin: agreed
Rachael: Do we have an escape route just incase?
Jordan: Yes

[3 Minecraft days later]

Rachael; I just saw the black figure again!
Justin: What really!!
Rachael: Yes!, he was right outside of the house! He appeared then disappeared!
Max: That's the 1st appearance in a while
Rachael: Yea, that's strange
Jordan: Does everyone have weapons?
Max: Yes
Rachael: Yes
Justin: Guys, there's red torches outside the house!
Jordan: There's a sign too!
Max: We should investigate
Rachael: I'm right behind you
Max: The sign says "see you tomorrow"
Justin: What does that mean?
Jordan: Tomorrow as in  Minecraft days or real life?
Rachael; Minecraft days hopefully
Justin: Yea that would be creepy if it was real life
Jordan: Yea
Rachael: Ok, i think i've had enough creepiness for one night we should continue tomorrow night.
Max: I agree, we have school tomorrow. I'll see you guys tomorrow
Jordan; Seeya

[Day 2 real life]
[Location: School]

Jordan walks to his locker and opens it. He finds a note. He picks up the note and reads it. The note says "Siku". Oh my gosh! Jordan says in a worried tone. Justin turns to his left and sees a shadow figure with red eyes standing a few feet in front of him. Jordan gasps, he then looks around him and then looks to the left again and finds the shadow figure is gone. Heavily breathing Jordan gets out his phone and texts Justin. " Justin meet me at my locker now!!!" he sends through text. A few minutes later Justin and Rachael meet Jordan at his locker. "Hey Jordan is everything ok? You look kind of pale.", Rachael asks. No, You remember how we saw that shadow creature in Minecraft last night? Well I just saw him in real life, he was next to my locker! Jordan says heavily breathing. The school bell rings for everyone to go to first period class. "I bet it was your imagination playing tricks on you, don't worry stuff like that could happen" Justin Explains. Yea, Rachael agrees. Jordans breathing calms down."I'm not sure, he looked real" Jordan says. "Well let's get to class were already a few minutes late" Rachael. The group goes to class.

[group text]
Max: You guys wanna play Minecraft?
Rachael: Absolutely yesss!
Justin: Yep, I'll be on in a few.
Jordan: Sure!

Max pulls up Minecraft on his computer. He prepares to get onto his server when suddenly his computer screen turns to static, then it turns to white. Max starts freaking out. Then suddenly a black hand appears with a loud bang. Max jumps out of his skin. Blood then drips down from the hand. Then the word "Siku" appears on the top center of the screen.

Siku: Chapter 2 coming soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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Siku (A Minecraft Horror Story)(Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now