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Bfore we start, a few things I wanna clarify:
•I know Dirk and Bro are the same person, but I have very specific roles for each of them. So they're different people.
•Karkat is a human.
•There are still swords and smuppets
•Dirkkat is likely to happen. Probs only Brotp stuff tho
•The Lalondes and Maryams will make an appearance, just in a later chapter.

°.• ☆° •.°.• °.

I looked down at my lap, as Mr. Strider or Bro, as he insisted that I called him that, drove. I sighed as he started up a conversation, knowing full well I won't answer. "I swear if they didn't clean-" He didn't finish his sentence, but he didn't need to. I knew what was going to happen.

Instead he sighed and focused on the road, only glancing at me a few times, as if to make sure I'm still there. After a few minutes, he starts up another conversation. "Halloween is coming up, huh? The boys'll probably say they're too old, but if you dress up, I grantee they'll dress up too. They do that sort of thing, kind of like follow the leader, ya know?"

I nodded. I actually did wanted to dress up for Halloween, something simple, like a skeleton or something . He kept talking and I kept nodding my head every few minutes to show I was paying attention, when I really wasn't.

°.• ☆° •.°.• °.

After god knows how long, we pulled up to a fairly large apartment complex. He parked the car and got out, walking towards me and opening the car door for me. I was thankful, but I didn't know how to show it. I got out, grabbing my large black bookbag that held the only clothes I owned. Sure, my previous families bought me clothes, but I never liked them.

Kids are still depressed when you dress them up.

"Follow me." He said, while he locked the car and walked to the front doors. I did as he said, and gave a small nod as a sign of understanding. We entered the building and my thoughts drifted off to some place else. Who are the "boys"? What're they like? What are they going to think of me?

A million questions raced through my head as I followed Mr. Strider subconsciously. I think it was mostly because I actually wanted them to like me. I didn't know why I wanted them to like me, but I just did. I've always hated my adoptive families, this feeling towards my fifth one was especially horrible. I just don't want to get close to other people, they'll just get ripped away from me, like before.

°.• ☆° •.°.• °.

We had made it to their apartment, on the third floor. Some of their neighbors were out in the hallway, and I got weird looks from them. Bro opened the door and walked in first, getting completely covered in colorful puppets with round asses and long noses. "Go right in, don't worry about this. Tell Dave to show you around."

His voice was muffled, but I could still tell what he said. I walked in, avoiding the pile of puppets completely. I walked into, what I thought was the living room. There was a blonde boy sitting on the couch, eating doritos and drinking apple juice. He was watching SpongeBob, but I wasn't sure if he could see it, since he was wearing shades.

He finally noticed ((senpai noticed him)) me and said, "hey, are that kid Bro adopted? Wow you're short as fuck hahaha." I sighed and nodded. "Welp, I guess I gotta show you around, since Dirk isn't here. He's at his friend's house and he'll probably stay over there, so you'll probably see  him at school on Monday. Oh shit, you still gotta register there, right?" I nodded as he talked.

He cocked his head to the side and asked, "hey, do you talk?" I shook my head. "Oh..." I've seen this all before, it makes no difference then all the other times. I rubbed the bandaid on my nose looking down. "C-come on, I'll show you around." He grabbed my hand and walked foward, me following close behind.

Hello to the few that actually read this, I appreciate you :p

MuteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora