The Chosen one

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Today is my birthday and let me tell u about me my name is Crystal Skull Wing and I am turning 11 today.I am *tap tap tap* hay what is that noise *tap tap tap* I look over and see a owl sitting on my window I walk over to it and noticed a letter attach to it , I pick it up amd open It it said I was accept to a wizard school, I was like MOM DAD come here please they walked in and said to each other "It's hear" with out a mother word they went to my closet and pulled out a big trunk and said to me "come on we dont want to be late" I was like LATE FOR WHAT they said " you will see " my so called mom said " we ate not your real parents you were given to us to protect". I said from what "people who don't know or understand what you are"what am I "you will find out" my adopted dad swindlers go the train leaves at 10:00. ############################

When we got there they lead me to platform 9 and 3/4 I got on the train. I went to the last compartment but there were people in there I was to mad my "so called parents explained everything to me in the car (how I am the daughter of an evil wizard and that I was a raven.

##########################################################i will update sometime next Wednesday night every Wednesday night love me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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