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Before we get started, you need to know a few things. First of all, I did not write this. This was written by someone who wants to be anonymous on Twitter. Enjoy!

He enters the dim tent and has to squint to see her. She's huddled in her corner of the tent, her back to him.

Bellamy sets his backpack down on the cold sand, sighing as he winks down onto his sleeping bag.

Clarke turns, suddenly aware of his presence. She gives him a small smile, and he watches her rise to meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I woke you," he mutters, pressing hid head into his hands.

"No, not at all. I was just thinking of coming to retrieve you. You work too much, Bellamy, even when we both know there's nothing we can do about Octavia."

It was like hearing her name made him crumble back into his shell. Bellamy looked at Clarke with weary eyes, the pain if the last few days hovering over his features.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be," his voice was hoarse. "You're right."

"Let's just try and focus on getting to the valley." Clarke tried to veer off-topic, but by the look on his face, it didn't seem to help.

"I can't believe I left her to fen for herself for six years, I- I can't believe I left..." Bellamy's eyes strayed to her, "You."

In the dim candlelight, Clarke saw Bellamy staring at her. She decided to ignore the racing of her heart as she stood, sitting down beside him on his thin mattress.

"You did what you had to do," she assured him.

Bellamy nodded to her words. "The only way to make sure we survived," he recalled her words. His hand quivered as it traveled the distance to cover hers.

"You listened," Clarke nudged against him, pulling his eyes back to her. "You used your head."

"I still have you for that," he smiled; the first she'd seen since they freed Wonkru from the bunker. "Don't I?"

He knew her answer when he saw her smile transform into a beam.

"The head to your heart," she chuckled.

"The head to my heart."

Once again, if you have enjoyed this lovely little one shot, please go show your love to @bellarkeable on Twitter, or simply comment what you would like to say to her, and I'll make sure she sees it. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Don't forget to vote!!!! That also shows the writer that you love it!!!!!

Bellarke tent scene (set in 5x05)Where stories live. Discover now