Getting Ready

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It was my birthday and so far it had been a blast, I had received some wonderful gifts from my best friend Amber including a couple which caused me to blush…..

I cant imagine many girls get a dildo from their best friend but her answer to that was by the end of the night it may just come in handy.

I received lots of money from my parents and had spent the day shopping to find an outfit that would hopefully knock someone dead and maybe make my mind up for me, right now I was in my room and the two of us were getting ready to hit the town.

“What do you think of this top Amber?”

I found a lovely black top which was covered in fake diamonds and lots of glitter…

“It looks great and goes well with the skirt”.

I had been a bit of a frump for quite a long time and despite having a long pair of pins had preferred to hide them under jeans but tonight my skirt stopped just above my knees and was just the right height that I wouldnt need to keep pulling it up.

Amber eyes me seductively, I had known her since moving from a farm to the city and knew from the first day that she was a lesbian but Amber made it clear that I was not her type even though back then I was trying hard to make out to her that I was straight.

I looked into the mirror and did a quick pirouette, then amber put two fingers in her mouth and wolf whistled…

“In that outfit you will have no trouble getting a girl”.

“You know thats not what worries me, I don’t have any of this magic elixir like you……a ready running gaydar”.

“I know Patty but you wont need it where we are going?”

“Where are we going?”

“Well now that you are dressed up it wont hurt to say, Im taking you to the exclusive lipstick nightclub”.

I was shocked, this was indeed a premium club and exclusively for gay women and men to use, I remember seeing a menu on passing it and almost fainted at the prices of the drinks.

“There is no way that I can afford a place like that?”

“Firstly this is my treat and you wont need to pay for any drinks”.

“Why not?”

“DUH Patty, you will have all the girls flocking around to buy you a drink”.

“Yeah right”.

Amber stopped to look at me.

“Trust me on this, by the end of the evening you will be leaving with some hot brunette”.

I couldn’t imagine dating a blonde girl and that was probably why I never ever got it on with Amber, don’t get me wrong she is a great girl but epitomises everything about being blonde, which just would not work for me.

The beeping of a horn woke me up.

“Taxi is here, lets go!!”

Genie in a BottleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ