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Ever since I found Hala and Gremera I've been having strange dreams, they were mainly about the sun and moon disappearing. But what has me concern is the one where my missing grandmother is well being hanged. I tryed telling my mother but she was like

"Who would want to hang your grandmother."

Maybe every enemies she has.

My mom always told me stories of about my grandmother. How she is the only person who can use the ancient magic, how she can travel between both cities without the lunar or solar eclipse. How she would always visit me when I was younger, I remember when she was showing me how to use magic. She would always do it then I would copy her, the funny part was when I would end up doing it better than her. I've always loved my grandmother, her full name is Sun Moonlight, cool right. She disappeared years a go, mom and dad sometimes say centuries, we only have one clue to show that she's alive a letter. "But what now?"

My latest dream is about my grandmother, she was in a shipwreck and was inside a cage. Whats worse was there were people trying to absorb her magic. When I told my mother this she said,

"Absorbing magic is both impossible and dangerous."

I guess its true but then "why am I having these dreams?"  I decided to ask my father and to my surprise his answer was totally opposite to my mom.

"These dreams are highly similar to Hala's visions." he said.


After hearing what my dad said I asked where Hala was, but she didn't come with dad.

" There is a way to absorb magic, but its highly dangerous, especially with your grandmothers magic." explained my father.

"I honestly don't know why someone would try to absorb ancient magic" he stated 

I started asking a series of questions.

"Why is it dangerous? Is grandma going to be OK? Will something bad happen?"

But for some reason my father answered with a diffrent question.

"When did you start having these dreams?"

I told him everything from start to finish, I told him how I had them around the time, I started the quest for Hala. Truth be told I thought they were nightmares, I told him how sometime they actually came true. How when I was six and  fell off the orange tree, my dream was that I would fall into a pile of leaves.

"It's the same for Hala, she knew what was gonna happen before it did." said dad.

"So what happens in our dreams might come true.". I asked.

"Yes seems so." He answered

"Now it looks like your grandmother is in trouble, and I might as well send you and your sister to find her." He stated.

"We'll start when the lunar eclipse come, until then you should find clues in the town of sun." He said

I only have three weeks to find clues about my grandmother. That's gonna be hard, especially without help, you see my mom and grandmother got into an argument so my mom is out. Plus if I tell people in the town they'll go crazy. It looks like all I can do now is hope, hope that dad, Hala or I find clues about this mystery.

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